Wednesday 13 June 2012

Titans & Olympians. Their Star Origin Story & the People of Ancient Greece.wmv

THIS IS THE STAR ORIGIN STORY OF THE 'GODS' -- THE TITANS & OLYMPIANS OF GREEK MYTHOLOGY... AND THEIR REAL HISTORY WITH THE PEOPLE OF ANCIENT GREECE. All sixteen (16) Greek 'gods', Titans & Olympians are originally from the Perseus constellation, the star Algol. Their home world is known as: Myra {Mear-ah}. It might be valuable to know Myra was originally colonized approximately 200000 years ago by people who were originally from Lyra {Lie-rah}. Collectively, they were a group of people from the 6th dimension who manifested physical human bodies. As they created their Earth bodies of 10-12' tall... they maintained many of their natural 6th dimensional powers while on Earth. The twelve (12) Olympians first migrated to the Cassiopea constellation, the star Chaph, for which the capital "B" is its symbol . These Olympians lived on a planet by the name of -- Lakima {Lah-kee-mah}, 42 light years from Earth's solar system. The Titans traveled directly to and arrived at Earth first... the ones to first rule from the Temple on Mount Olympus. This the the story of their origin, the rule over the people of ancient Greece... and their impressive, profound impact on these people & their way of life. Enjoy.


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