Wednesday 23 November 2011

God of War 3 Glitch: New Game+ / Bonus Play/ Start with all weapons at max level.

Normally there is no NG+/Bonus Play/Start with all weapons at Max Lv. in game, they only thing you could've kept was godly possesions, which somewhat gave you NG+ But you still had to get the weapons and items normally during the story. Until now! With a little glitch using the combat arena, you can start a new game with all weapons at max level! Just die constantly in the combat arena until you get the message "Do you want to change the difficulty to easy" (NOTE: This message will not pop up if you select the difficulty on Chaos, so don't choose that) select no, and start a new game (it doesn't matter what difficulty). Its not perfect (for example you still have to get the blades of exile, and level them up but since that is so early in the game and with godly possesions that should be resolved really quickly.


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