Thursday 18 November 2010

The History And Lore Of Birthstone Rings

Since ancient times, rings have been recognized as a symbol of relationship, or a bond between the giver and the wearer of the ring. In some cultures, this was interpreted as a physical bond of ownership and control. For example in the ancient Greek myth of Prometheus, the god Zeus uses a ring of unbreakable adamantine to forever bind Prometheus to a rock as punishment for giving the secret of fire to mankind.
More often than not, however, ancient cultures recognized the ring as a symbol of emotional attachment. The perfect circle of a gold ring represents continuity, as in the eternal return of the seasons. The shape of a circle has always been a metaphor for faithfulness, unity, eternity or perfection, and there are many examples of this in prehistoric rock art. Birth stone rings evolved from this tradition

Certain personality traits have always been associated with each gemstone and the individuals whose birth month is represented by that gem. Legendary powers have been attributed to many birthstones and birthstone rings were worn to bring good fortune to their owner.

Birthstone rings have a rich history in many cultures. Most scholars agree that the history and legend of birthstones originated in the Old Testament story of a garment worn by the high priest Aaron. Each stone represented one of the twelve tribes, one of the signs of the zodiac and also one of the months of the year.

Over time, many of the birthstones have remained the same, with the same birthstone colors; some have changed slightly because their exact origins were unknown from the original text, and some have been interpreted to the proper minerals of those probably referred to in the in the original text. Here is a good page to view birthstone rings.

Birthstone history and legends:

Garnet (birthstone of January):

Garnet comes from the Greek word "granatum" meaning "pomegranate seed". It is symbolic for many different religions. Ancient Hebrew legend states that garnet was one of the twelve gems in the breastplate of Aaron. Christians have seen it to symbolize the sacrifices of Christ. And the Koran states that garnet illuminates the Fourth Heaven of Islam. Primitive cultures believed garnet could smooth discord and prevent bloodshed.

Amethyst (birthstone of February):

Ancients believed amethyst would protect them from drunkenness. In fact its name is taken from the Greek "A-methystos", meaning, "not drunken". Legend has it that Bacchus, the Greek god of wine, grew angry with mortals, and vowed that the next mortal to cross his path would be eaten by tigers. Just then a young maiden named Amethyst was on her way to worship the Goddess Diana. Diana, Knowing of Bacchus' plan turned Amethyst into a statue of colorless quartz to save her from the tiger's teeth. Bacchus, seeing this repented and cried tears of wine over the young Amethyst, staining her purple.

Aquamarine (birthstone of March):

Aquamarine comes from the Latin for "sea water". It is said to offer the wearer foresight, courage, and happiness. Legend is that sailors wore it to sea to keep them safe and ward off seasickness. It was also believed to be the treasure of mermaids. Aquamarine is said to bring love, increase intelligence, and restore youth.

Diamond (birthstone of April):

The word diamond comes from the Greek "adamas", meaning, "unconquerable". The Greeks believed diamonds to be star splinters fallen to earth. The tradition of diamonds as a symbol of love comes from the Roman belief that Cupids arrows were tipped with them. But the tradition of the diamond engagement ring didn't start until much later, when, in 1477, the Archduke Maximillian of Austria gave one to Mary of Burgundy.

Emerald (birthstone of May):

The Roman scholar Plinly loved emeralds because, in his words, "Nothing green is greener." The Moguls of India inscribed them with sacred texts and wore them as talismans. One such talisman, a 78 carat emerald, reads, "He who possesses this charm shall enjoy the special protection of God", in Persian. Cleopatra loved her emeralds more than any other gem, though it is now believed that her "emeralds" were actually peridot.

Alexandrite (birthstone of June):

Alexandrite was discovered in 1830 in Russia. As red and green, the colors of alexandrite, were also the colors of Imperial Russia, the stone was named after the Czarevich Alexander II on the occasion of his coming of age. Alexandrite is still believed to be a good omen in Russia.

Ruby (birthstone of July):

The ruby is said to bring wisdom, happiness, and health, and symbolizes success, devotion, and integrity. It was thought to bring good luck to both lovers and gamblers. The ruby was said to help mend bad relationships as well as encourage stable ones.

Peridot (birthstone of August):

Peridot is thought to ensure good luck, peace, and success. It is said that what Cleopatra thought were her "emeralds" were actually peridot. Legend has it that peridot was first mined on the Egyptian island of Zeberget, but only at night because it was believed that peridot could not be seen by day. Large peridots still decorate the shrine of the three magi at the Cologne Cathedral.

Sapphire (birthstone of September):

Ancient Persians believed that the earth rested on a giant sapphire and that the sapphire's reflection colored the sky. While some ancient Hebrew writers believed that the Ten Commandments were written on sapphire. More recently, the engagement ring Prince Charles gave to Princess Diana was a sapphire ring.

Pink Tourmaline (birthstone of October):

The word Tourmaline comes from the Singhalese "tourmalli" which means "mixed colored stones". Tourmaline is thought to represent autumn because the red and green colors of some tourmaline are reminiscent of the turning of the leaves. This is why it has become the birthstone of October.

Imperial Topaz (birthstone of November):

Topaz comes from the Sanskrit "tapas", meaning "fire". The Greeks believed it could increase strength and make the wearer invisible. The Romans believed it could improve eyesight. And the Egyptians believed a topaz amulet could protect the wearer from injury.

Blue Zircon (birthstone of December):

Zircon, known to the ancients as hyacinth, provided the wearer with wisdom, honor, and riches. For women it was believed to aid in childbirth, and for men it was believed to keep evil spirits and bad dreams away. When zircon lost its luster it was thought to be warning of danger.

The physical properties of birthstones:

Science and spirituality often seem to cross paths, and the physics of birthstones are an exceptional example. Birthstones are among the most dense crystalline substances on the planet, formed from millions of years of pressure under the earth's crust. The enchanting birthstone colors are the result of both the source element and the precise alignment of the crystals within the gem.

In a physical sense, birthstones concentrate energy and redirect it along a certain prismatic path. The ancients believed that wearing birthstone rings transferred the power of the gem from each finger to a different area of the body. The third finger of the left hand, for example, transferred energy to the heart, which is why it is traditionally used for an engagement ring.

The modern laser was invented with the use of a ruby, which concentrates ordinary light into a higher energy level that can be directed on a coherent path, a pinpoint that travels extreme distances without dispersing.

Diamonds are the most highly conductive substance known, and are currently at the leading edge of future computer technology.
If there is any physical reality that underlies the wearing of birthstone rings, it is perhaps summarized by the great psychologist Carl Jung, who said, "The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances; if there is any reaction, both are transformed."

Casey Buell is an expert in the field of gemstones and diamonds, and a contributor to the award winning mother's ring website located at


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