Saturday 5 June 2010

Cyprus And Aphrodite - The Greek Goddess Of Love Beauty And Sexual Rapture

If you know even a little about Cyprus or Greek mythology the chances are you will have heard of the Goddess of love, beauty and sexual rapture Athrodite. Legend tells that she was the result of the castration of the God Uranus which was carried out by his son Cronus (perhaps it was the way those Gods raised their kids) with a sickle. Owch! Anyway Cronus threw the severed genitals into the sea where they foamed up which in turn gave birth to Aphrodite. The word "athros" or sea foam giving rise to the translation Athrodite or deity of foam.

Anyways, Cyprus comes into the picture because Aphrodite was carried by the sea and came ashore on the Island and some legends claim she rode on a giant clam shell. In fact some Greek mythology refer to her as Cytherea or Kypros for this very reason.

Zeus (the top God) was worried that the other Gods would fight over Aphrodite's hand in marriage so he took the liberty of marring her of to Hephaestus the smith God. Boy was he knocked out? Scruffy old black smith weds Goddess of love, beauty and sexual rapture! Had his boat come in or what?

Hephaestus was over the moon and as a sign of his love for Aphrodite he used all his skills as a smith to fashion her a beautiful bejeweled girdle with fine gold filigree. He even wove magic into the gold filigree which was a big mistake on his part. The problem was that when ever Aphrodite wore the girdle she would become sexually irresistible bearing in mind that she was already the ultimate embodiment of female beauty anyway. Amongst her many lovers (she was a bit of a girl) were Gods but she also took mortal lovers too the most famous being Adonis.

Some of her Sons are Eros, Anteros, Hymenaios and Aeneas through her union with her Trojan lover Anchisess. What can I say? It's a typical story of a beautiful woman wreaking havoc amongst the male population, causing wars and several spoilt dinners to boot. Her festival was Aphrodisiac (now you know where that comes from) which was celerbrated in several places in Greece including Athens and Corinth. Her priestesses where not prostitutes but sexual intercourse with them was considered a form of worship to the Goddess herself.

There you go then, now you can impress all your friends or even fellow tourist with your factual knowledge of Aphrodite. When you visit Cyprus be sure to take a trip out to her alleged birth place a few kilometers outside of Paphos. The view from the cliffs is indeed spectacular and there is a resturant bar with a great view point where you can relax with a cool drink. You will see the "rock of Aphrodite" itself just off the coast.

The local legend states that if you swim around the rock at midnight during the full moon Aphrodite will make you ten years younger if the exercise doesn't kill you off first that is. Enjoy Cyprus and don't forget to visit the rock of Aphrodite.

Kevin Moore owns several Cyprus web sites and writes regular articles about Cyprus and Cyprus property so take a look here at Cyprus Info


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