Sunday, 18 March 2012

75000 yr old Civilization found in South Africa!!!!!!

book#1 TEMPLES OF THE AFRICAN GODS: Revealing the ancient hidden ruins of Southern Africa. (By Michael Tellinger.) book#2 ADAM's CALENDAR: Discovering the oldest Man-Made structure on Earth. 75000 years ago. By Johan Heine & Michael Tellinger. These breathtaking ruins constitute the largest continuous stone settlement ever built on Earth as it stretches over thousands of miles from South Africa all the way to Kenya and beyond. "We are dealing with a very complex site that covers over 500 square kilometres and makes up the largest and oldest city on Earth that has almost completely eroded." "We know very little about them except what we are discovering on a daily basis in the expansive ruins." Based on Carbon Dating of various artifacts. Astronomical Alignment of various monoliths indicate a certain level of clarity that these lost civilisations have been around for much longer than anyone could ever have imagined. These sites were dated to at least 75000 years ago and according to archeologists these sites are the very first concentrated human settlements inhabited by the early Homo sapiens to date.


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