Friday, 13 January 2012

Karlheinz Stockhausen - Stimmung (Model 01-Model 11)

Stimmung, for 6 vocalists & 6 microphones (1968) 1. Warming Up, Leading To Model 1, Bass 2. Mezzo, "Gott Nochmal" / Soprano 2, GROGORAGALLY, Sun God (Australian Aboriginal) 3. Soprano 2, "Vishnu / Baritone, ELYON, God of Storms (Hebrew) 4. Soprano 1 / Tenor, USI-AFU, God of the Earth (Timor, Indonesia) 5. Baritone, "Saturday", "Saturnstag", "Samstag", "Complement Nous" / Tenor, CHANG TI, Director of the Cosmos (Chinese Buddhist) 6. Tenor 7. Baritone, "Hallelujah" 8. Soprano 1 / Mezzo, UEUETEOTL, God of Fire (Aztec) 9. Bass, "Phoenix" / Tenor, USI-NENO, Sun God (Timor, Indonesia) 10. Soprano 1, "Komit" (Like Screech Owls) 11. Bass, "Moo", "Moo-Coo", "Guru" (A Dove) / Baritone, AHURA-MAZDA, God of Wisdom (Persian) 12. Tenor 13. Baritone / Soprano 2, ABASSI-ABUMO, Creator of Heaven (Ibi, Africa) 14. Soprano 2, "Hippy" / Mezzo, CHALCHITHUITLICUE, Goddess of the Sea and Salt Water (Aztec) 15. Mezzo / Soprano 2, WAKANTANKA, God of Thunder (Sioux Indian) 16. Bass 17. Soprano 1, "The Male Is Basically an Anymale" 18. Tenor 19. Bass, "Sontag", "Sunday" / Soprano 1, DIONYSOS, God of Fertility and Wine (Greek) 20. Soprano 2 21. Baritone 22. Mezzo 23. Baritone 24. Soprano 2 / Soprano 1, VENUS, Goddess of Love (Roman) 25. Mezzo, "Wotansday, "Mittwoch", "We(d)nesday" / Baritone, YAH-WEH, God of Israel (Hebrew) 26. Soprano 1, "Tuesday" / Mezzo, QUETZALCOATL, God of Gods (Aztec) 27. Tenor 28. Bass / Soprano 2, MUNGANAGANA, God of Wind (Australian Aboriginal) 29. Baritone / Mezzo, TLALOC ...


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