Sunday, 16 October 2011

Tap The Supernatural World

Blast Your Way To The Top and Tap the Supernatural.

That's right, it's time to Get It On!

And, "get it on" you will, with Super Power. In fact when people find out how you are doing it, you will probably get arrested. No, just kidding.

I mean getting things done for you, or achieved for you, that are way beyond your "holy smoke little old comfort zone". What I am telling you is certainly not new. Not by a long shot. Buddha and Jesus were telling people about belief power many many years ago. Just tap the supernatural.

Marcus Borg, in his book-Jesus and Buddha, The Parallel Sayings, points out the power of Belief. Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, "Move and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17.20.

"A monk who is skilled in concentration can cut the Himalayas in two." Buddha-Anguttara Nikaya 6.24

Take your pick of the two examples above. Both Belief systems get the same identical results.

Does dealing in the Supernatural like this scare the pants off you?

It does to a lot of people. My answer to that is simple, "How bad do you want it?" Are you in conflict with your comfort zone and your self-image? Too bad for you if you don't know what to do about it.

Not strong

Evidently your "desire" for your goal isn't strong enough. Your so called desire or goal is really just a "wish". In another words, you desire for something is not important enough, or Strong enough to make things happen! In the pragmatic world, the rule of thumb is, "If it works, use it". Just tap the supernatural.

If it scares the pants off you to use a Belief System that borders on the Supernatural, give this some thought.

Man's wisdom and knowledge has grown quite a bit since several thousand years ago. And, so has man's comprehension of his human potential. The Mystics, Yogas, and the Prophets of the World Religions have a lot to say about mastering your world and yourself. The problem most of us in the 21st Century is language and semantics.

It's very difficult to "understand" exactly what these Giants of Spirituality were talking about. On the other hand, as time progresses, and science uncovers more secrets of our Universe, everything slowly becomes a little more clear or insightful.

For example, lets take the two words like belief and prayer. Typically, people think of some one on their knees praying. This is ok, but it's not the only way. Praying really is a state of mind or belief, or perspective. So tap the Supernatural.

Praying can be running, washing the dishes, and how about making love? It can be all of these things. What you are doing is making contact with a power or energy source.

This shift of perspective is what makes miracles happen.

It's what will make miracles happen in your life! Instead of getting all uptight and worried when you face, difficulties, relax and know you will find a way to "handle it or overcome and be victorious".

Leave the chewed off fingernails and stomach ulcers for the Fear Mongers. You really have too much going for you. The problem is, you probably don't realize it or how to tap the supernatural.

Speaking of Power Source, have you heard of Dark Energy and Dark Matter? Dark Energy
Most of the Universe consists of Dark Energy and Dark Matter, like 95%. Most important ly, the science community doesn't have a clue what it is.

The point being, as times progresses, and mankind gets a handle on all of this mysterious stuff, there will be Big Changes coming for everybody. Once we understand these mysteries, then, we can exploit them. Yeah, use them for the betterment of mankind. Flying saucer anyone? How about "time" machines. Maybe, out of body travel? Who Knows? Refer to your science fiction comic books for a realistic view of your future.


In summary, you can access yourself to very powerful "make it happen" techniques such as using the Power of Prayer; regardless of the form you use or belief system. Just tap the supernatural.

Additionally, you can emulate our Super Star Olympian athletes, who utilize the Visualization process for startling results. Why not? You want to jump, run, box or just plain kick butt? Use Visualization like the big time boys and girls do in the world of super competitive athletics.

How do you think Jack Dempsey and Joe Louis knocked so many opponents during their illustrious Prize Fighting careers? They both were ardent users of visualization. I kid you not. They ran movies in their minds with all of the excitement and conviction that Reality can bring.

I personally used the "movie in the mind" technique when I was a real estate salesman in Chicago, Illinois.

I was working for one of the premium national homebuilders. Yes, and I sold homes like they were going out of style.

I was their top selling salesman for five years. The other salespeople thought I was doing a dance with the "Quick and the Dead". I kid you not. I never had so much fun in my life.

The technique is fun and simple.

You just visualize yourself doing whatever you want to achieve. BUT, BE SURE AND DO IT WITH LOTS OF EMOTION AND EXCITEMENT. YOU HAVE TO FEEL IT HAPPENING RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES. If you don't do this, you're wasting your time trying to tap the supernatural.

I hope you get the gist of this article. It's time to quite sitting in the bleachers of life and jump into the Arena were things are going hot and heavy. Can't you smell and taste it...the Excitement of kicking butt and making things happen? Don't let some mere "words or definitions" about what makes things work big time, hold you back.

I mean, you can call it prayer, concentration, or visualization or whatever, but do your self a favor, big time, start "working it" and start "calling on it". Then, just look around, a see the differences shaping up in your life. Just tap the supernatural.

You owe it to yourself

Besides, don't you really owe it to yourself? Get a little "action" that all of the movers and shakers are having! It's time for you to be the star magician of your own magic show. It's time to put some real magic into your own life.

Jack Marinchek is the publisher of the site, [], which features- inspirational information on life improvement, getting jobs and income, travel, and real estate relocation.


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