Sunday, 18 September 2011

Should We Call Him Jesus Christ Or Yeshua the Messiah?

In English, we call him Jesus. This is a translation from Hebrew and Greek through Latin into English. Jesus Christ is pronounced "hay zeus kris tos", and it is still a translation of Yeshua the Messiah. Why would the name of a Jewish Messiah have the word "Zeus" in it? "Yeshua Ha Mashiach" is how you would have said "Jesus the Messiah" 2,000 years ago!

This is what they called Him face to face back then, and isn't this what He should still be called today? Messiah only means one thing in any language around the world. It stands for the Jewish God in human form making a long awaited, prophesied visit to His people.

Why would we call the Lord God of the universe by a translated name? My name is Peter, but I do not wish to be called Pedro. Or in Hawaii I would be called "Peke".

A British lady used to pronounce my name "Peet-ah". (I kind of liked that!) Who knows how my name would sound in many of the world's languages? Would I be able to recognize my name if pronounced completely different?

When you meet someone, isn't it important to learn their name and pronounce it correctly? All the more important, shouldn't we pronounce the Lord's name properly?

Remember that God's name was never given in the Tanakh (the Old Testament), only titles and terms were given for God. Why should His name be translated through several languages into English here in our day? We go out of our way to pronounce all the other Bible names correctly. Isn't it more important to do the same for God's Name?

There is a major difference between two views, and you can not mix the two:

Is He the Jesus Christ of Rome; the second member of the trinity, the child (Son) of God, the Son the pope promotes, where you can pray to Jesus' co-redeemer Mother Mary and kiss her statue too?

Or is His name Yeshua the Messiah; the One God of the Jews in human form, the Spirit become flesh, the Savior, the Shepard, the Rock, the Father, the I Am? Which view is Biblically correct and accurate? How long will you waiver between these two opinions?

Yeshua is the Name above all names of the King of all kings and the Lord of all lords, the only Name given by which we can be saved!

Copyright June 2009 by Peter B.

You will be amazed at how much more can be found in the Bible than we are told. Our research and information is contained in the new book "The Bible I Thought I Knew", available at website:


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