Wednesday, 31 August 2011
God of War - Video Walkthrough - Part 1
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Make Miracles Happen And Get What You Want
First off, you need to be living in the Hot Zone. Why? Because this is where your dreams are converted into reality.
Bring it on, you say. Not so fast. In all good conscience, I must inform you about the realities that you will encounter in the Hot Zone. Let me give you a little clue. Things get "sticky" there. This is were the Primordial Forces of Nature "meet and greet" the wants and needs of mere mortals such as you and I. Make miracles.
Where's the Hot Zone?
To make miracles, it starts in the subconscious and extends out into the Universe. Exactly where in the Universe? You guess is as good as mine.
Scientifically speaking, conjecture would place the origin of the Hot Zone to be somewhere within the structure of Dark Matter and Dark Energy. I say this because supposedly 95% of the Universe consists of Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Which incidentally, nobody has a clue of what it is about. Make miracles.
No question about it, you and I can theorize about the power of belief, the validity of prayer, and goodness knows what else, but the fact remains, people are creating miracles for themselves every day in this world, as we live and breath.
What kind of miracles?
People are getting unexplainable remissions of cancers and other health related phenomena. How about young children that are physically impaired in many tragic ways. Yet they can do specific things with great art and genius. Displaying incredible talent for playing a musical instrument. Or perhaps showing the world their fantastic gift in the fields of mathematics and science. Make miracles.
You want some more miracles? Maybe closer to home. You may not think of these accomplishments as miracles. But, a lot of people do. Take the world of business enterprise.
How many people have you read about that begin a business that is very old and mundane. And, years latter, you read in the newspaper that these very same people are now millionaires. That's right. These people have succeeded where everybody else fails or barely gets by. Go figure. Make miracles.
Don't forget the children
And lets not forget the children of this world. How many youngsters have you heard about or know, that have grown up in an environment where the average child would be destroyed in. I mean, these kids that have been reared in bad families, bad neighborhoods and bad schools.
They didn't stand a chance. But, guess what. Maybe because of some freak of nature, these kids turn out to be super achievers and leaders of industry, of the community, and the politics. Make miracles. I mean it shouldn't be happening. But, it does.
The key rests with you
The key to making these happen big time in your life, rests with you. Nobody else can do it for you. It boils down to how badly do you want it? Sorry, the buck stops with you, when it comes to these matters.
Most experts in this field basically agree on one thing. In order to be successful with the power of belief, you need to make this desired event happen in your mind first. "As within so without".
The ignition key
The ignition key for making things happen for yourself is emotion. If you just imagine something you want, that won't cut it. You need to visualize with great emotion-like heart throbbing excitement. In order to get to this state, it helps to apply all of your senses-seeing, feeling, hearing, touching, and smelling.
No jive
I am not jiving you. Almost all of your world class athletes use this system. Certainly at the Olympian level. These methods are employed. For that matter, your elite performers in most fields of human endeavor use these methods.
A lot of these people having been using these methods for so long, that, they don't even know it. Or, better yet, they are not consciously aware of it.
Immediately I can think of three historical giants that used the power of belief to transform their world. Firstly, we have one of the greatest warriors the world has ever known, Alexander the Great. His belief was unbelievably strong. Both his parents and culture helped form this phenomenon breaking attitude.
Alexander the Great
The man actually believed he was a god. He was a leader of men and nations. Matter of fact, he literally conquered the entire known world of his time. Age has no prejudices when it comes to accomplishment. He did all of this before his was 30 years of age. He was a product of his Greek or Mesopotamian culture.
In his book Jesus and Buddha, The Parallel Saying, Marcus Borg
points out about the absolute belief and conviction these two giants of the spiritual world had about miracles and the power of belief.
Jesus- "If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there', and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17.20
Buddha- "A monk who is skilled in concentration can cut the Himalayas in two. Anguttara Nikaya 6.24
My Miracles
I personally have made some miracles for myself. Years ago, I sold real estate in Chicago, Illinois. My specialty was selling new homes. My performance was just so-so. Nothing to brag about. I was desperately trying to improve my performance. I read books and attended seminars on how to sell.
One day I discovered in my "searching" that top drawer salespeople, artists, musicians, industrial leaders and athletes used visualization in order to give outstanding performances in their chosen fields of endeavor.
I learned about the power of visualization, the subconscious, and energy transference. I applied this knowledge to my selling of homes. So, guess what? I immediately began setting all kinds of sales records, to my total astonishment. Yeah, I felt like a thief in the night. I couldn't believe this good fortune was happening to me.
When I moved to Florida, I took these same methods with me. I call them my little miracle makers. Don't knock it if it works. Right? Make miracles.
After my near death experience with colon cancer within the last two years, I find myself seeking Divine Guidance. For different reasons then you may think. I absolutely have no fear of death. I am not even worried about the Great Unknown or Whatever. During my sick and hospital days, I discovered there are many worse things then death.
I am doing this Guidance routine, because I realize that life is short. Too short. Subsequently, I am looking for wisdom and understanding in order to make the most of whatever life and time I have left.
Hey, don't misunderstand me. I am the picture of health. And, I feel great. But, I realize my mortality. So, I want to make the most of life.
In this light, I found my self creating miracles and or praying for the welfare of a dear friend. He was having a rough go of it. I could just feel "the Connection" when I prayed for this person. " I could feel it happening".
And guess what? It did. It worked! This person sold his house for much more money than he ever dreamed possible. And, he now has two incredible job/income opportunities that are working out fantastically for him. Oh yeah, my prayers were answered beyond my hopes and dreams. Make miracles.
Cheers, and make miracles in your life.
Jack Marinchek is the publisher of the site, [], which features- inspirational information on life improvement, getting jobs and income, and real estate relocation.
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Ancient Aliens - The Visitors [Greek subs]
Saturday, 27 August 2011
Greek Gods: Poseidon Makeup Tutorial
Thursday, 25 August 2011
What is Love and What it Means to Me - Part 1
What is love?
This age-old question has been argued, debated, and philosophized from the very inception of time. I'm sure Adam and Eve were debating this topic with each other back in the Garden of Eden. Or, if you believe in evolution, then some of our hairy little cousins were screaming at each other in monkey gibberish about this very same topic.
Something so simplistic yet a bare ocean full of different possible meanings and explanations. Poems, movies, songs, lyrics, novels, stories, sonnets, statues, paintings, sculptures, buildings, cities, states, countries, and even wars waged.
All in the name of the most powerful four letters ever linked together by mankind. The meaning itself has evolved over the centuries, yet at its core remains true today.
Great poets and writers like my boy Billy S. who grew up in the 1500's. Sorry, you probably know my Billy Boy by his more famous and formal name, William Shakespeare who has created endless masterpieces of literature all in the name of defining love (such as the snippet below of his genius that he wrote about what is love.)
"Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs. Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers' eyes. Being vexed, a sea nourished with lovers' tears. What is it else? A madness most discreet, a choking gall and a preserving sweet." - William Shakespeare
A madness most discreet. God, I love that line. I would have loved the chance, just one time, to get totally drunk with that man for a night over some good ole Jack Daniels. I won't try to bore you with my weak attempt to define love in a manner such as William Shakespeare.
How did people define love before Christ's time? I'm talking 384 B.C folks.
Way back when people actually prayed and worshipped to Zeus, Athena, Aries, Apollo, Aphrodite, and the other Greek gods. Did they think differently about what is love compared to our modern day materialistic society.
Perhaps, but then again, maybe not. One of my favorite all-time philosophers I believe says it amazingly in just ten poetic words he strings together. He needed just ten words to sum up man's total reason for being on this earth.
"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." - Aristotle
Take a hard think break and ponder that deeply laced statement for a quick second. A single soul inhabiting two bodies. What beautiful insight and wisdom that even thousands of years later has such a profound effect on yet another generation of people.
We have now got a definition of what is love from a famed 1500's writer and a B.C (Before Christ) philosopher. I think it would be only fitting to include a quote from a famed writer and director from the ultra modern 20th century, don't you?
In comparison, you might see a slight difference that the times have had on our perceptions of how we define what is love and how it feels.
I was nauseous and tingly all over... I was either in love or I had smallpox. - Woody Allen
Love him or hate him, Woody Allen - an American original. Love or small pox! I agree with Woody there about the same, really! I haven't had small pox but I bet it's not the most pleasant, I imagine. Ok, the whole married-his-adopted-daughter thing was beyond icky and just perverted! But, if he had done that in Kentucky, it would have been no big deal!
Sigh... I'm exhausted now, aren't you. In that short time we covered the centuries in history and how they each perceived and tried to define what is love.
Quit dodging the question already, and just tell them what love means to your way of thinking! Sorry you'll have to go to part two for me to unfold my answer.
Passionate Ben is an online dating expert who has been on more online dating websites than anyone in the world! 35 different dating websites! Ben bridges the gap with his online talk radio show, relationship blogs, and future books between men and women around the world in a unconventional common sense NO B*llshit way. For a limited time you can download the FREE report called, "Open Your Eyes Already About Online Dating" at
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Pocket God:Challenge of the Gods--Episode 40
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Aries - Lover's Guide For Men and Women
Aries is an astrological sign that is associated with the constellation Aries. Under the tropical zodiac, Aries is occupied by the Sun from about March 21 to April 19 (depending on the exact year) and is associated with the Spring Equinox. Under the sidereal zodiac, it is currently from April 15 to May 15. The opposite sign to Aries is Libra. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and associated with fresh vigor and new beginnings.
Urban Myths and Legends
Aries has a reputation for being a bit of an outlaw, but this is misunderstood, they stand for change and progress and as such is often in conflict with the establishment and therefore the pillars of society do not always like them and keep them isolated or outlawed.
Once Aries has found the mate or made their conquest, they get bored and then look around for something else usually younger. These is because Aries needs a quest and challenge once that is finished they then look for another often not recognizing the values of gentleness, patience and compromise. Something they need to learn the hard way! It is a myth that the female Aries is always the dominant sexual partner, dominance is always an issue with Aries of both sexes the female tends to be more of a pussy cat in the bedroom.
Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology Aries is often associated with the Greek myth of the ram which carried Athamas's son Phrixus and daughter Helle to Colchis to escape their stepmother Ino, as well as the mythological figure of Theseus, from the Greek myth of the Minotaur. Aries is also associated with the Greco-Roman god Ares/Mars.
The Dark Side
Ariens tend to be a bit of a sloth, not because they are lazy but because they are high-flown dreamers who think that others should do the menial tasks of life, which is why they tend to be a bit hard on others below them.
Petty or meticulous is another fault, while they do not necessarily want order or tidiness, they are very critical of what is not done for them and in this context it is not flawless or spotless. This can be on a personal level that develops into a macro scale of it being the fault the company, council, authority or government.
Ariens as Lovers
Ariens love the whole deal and just the person who goes with it! To Aries it is the joy of the chase or pursuit that they love rather than the conquest or catch itself. Not that they are incapable of long term relationships they just get a bit bored with routine and get fidgety if its not kept alive, never changes or there is no new challenge.
As a fire sign Aries is a true romantic with an urge for challenge, excitement, adventure challenge and change. They are not boring people so if you are looking for somebody placid and contented stay away from Aries.
The Aries Man
Best described as a knight in shining armour with all the chauvinistic and aristocratic qualities that go with it, brilliant for charging to the rescue but not too good on issues requiring sensitivity. They are capable of grand gestures and very generous but can also be very bad tempered and trample all over the feelings of others.
The Aries man is very passionate, he likes to sweep women off there feet and their sex life is far from routine, however, he maybe more passionate about the image he has of his partner rather than the reality. He is vulnerable when it comes to women so expect some degree of defensiveness, but their main quality concerning change is that they are prepared to change themselves and are never complacent. Therefore, if the relationship needs to grow and change to stay alive then they would be willing to do this for the sake of the partnership.
The Aries Woman
The character of the Aries woman is best described as a Joan of Arc looking for a crusade or a challenge and as such tends to be very successful in business or hold positions of authority. They want to promote change and progress in the world so do not expect them to want menial jobs or occupations.
The Aries woman is not that materialistic, it is achievement in a mans world that counts rather than the money or possessions. She is not exactly a pushover and can be very intimidating to some men; however, they sometimes make a better mistress than a wife. Their main problem is the competitiveness seeing men ad a fellow contestant as well as a challenge. The Aries woman will fight for and defend those she loves and capable of total dedication and commitment, but men with a shaky self-esteem should stay away.
Aries find their best partners in the air and fire signs but unfortunately maybe drawn to the stormy and problematic relationships associated with earth and water signs.
With Aries
As it says on fireworks light blue touch paper and retire, this is a very combustible mixture as both want to be in charge and neither are going to take a back seat. There is a serious danger that they will reinforce each others weaknesses especially where finances are concerned and this could turn into a major issue. Sex usually gets off to an intense start but as with fire signs burning passions are easily be extinguished with a bucket of cold water!
With Taurus
They are sometimes able to establish a workable relationship, however Aries finds Taurus a bit too stubborn and stuck in their ways to change. This may mean they like the stability and security or look for excitement elsewhere or Taurus broadens their horizons in a way they never imagined which also includes the way they spend their money. Sex can be exciting stimulating and long lasting.
With Gemini
This is probably the best matching sign for Ariens as they both need challenge and stimulation. Gemini can calm down the Ariens ability to make global issues out of minor incidents, on the other hand Gemini and enjoys Aries humour and intellect. Both enjoy variety and challenge. Where sex is concerned variety is the spice of life which with this combination can sometimes include others!
With Cancer
The most difficult sign for Ariens, Cancer is far too silent, moody and irritable for Aries who is driven to distraction by constant moaning and winging. However, having said that Ariens show a disregard for Cancers feelings and sensitivities, which provokes the moaning in the first place. If this partnership is going to survive then look for some compatibility in their respective moon signs. While sex can start out intense and exciting, it is usually the first casualty in any argument.
With Leo
There does tend to be a battle of the egos in this relationship with both thinking the other is overpowering, overbearing and insufferable. However, if this problem can be resolved then it can be a very exciting, lively and loving partnership. Both signs place a lot of importance on sex and the physical side of the relationship, which seems to be a litmus paper for how well they are getting on.
With Virgo
Virgos are often attracted to Aries because they wish to emulate their detached and discerning personalities, however Aries find their picky ways extremely irritating and a distraction, on the other hand Virgo finds the Ariens self centred and far too pushy. Despite this and if these problems can be overcome then the sexual attraction with this combination can be very powerful. To examine whether this combination can last look for compatibility in their respective moon signs and and some harmony in their Mars Venus aspects.
With Libra
These signs are opposites in the Zodiac and while they can attract they often critics each other for having the same faults. Ariens finds Libras indecision irritating and so makes the decisions which in turn annoys Libra who wishes Aries was not quite so bossy and overbearing. Harmony can be found if Libra instead of always agreeing with Aries takes some initiative to do as they thin fit under the circumstances. Sex can be inventive and sensual but often lacks any real emotional depth or feeling.
With Scorpio
This combination can quickly become embroiled in emotional combat seething with sex and passion from the very start as both signs have affiliations with sexy warlike Mars and in which more devious Scorpio being usually gets the upper hand. This is a combination of extremes and like a roller coaster it can soar to great heights or go on a big downer with devastating results for both people concerned.
With Sagittarius
This combination is better suited to being friends rather than lovers as Ariens like to think they are a free agent they will find somebody who is more foot loose and fancy free very difficult to deal with. Sagittarius tends to be very relaxed and fails to see what Ariens gets worked up about especially when it comes to criticism about the way in which they are being treated. Sex in the beginning tends to be very good but can often lead to problems over feelings of insecurity and the inability to community when things get difficult.
With Capricorn
This combination rarely hits it off or runs smoothly, Both signs have issues of control to deal with so it is a bit of a clash of the titans as they each struggle for domination in the relationship. however, as is sometimes the case this struggle can lead to strong sexual attraction if they can agree to meet each others overwhelming needs. In which case Ariens will have to let Capricorn be the boss in return for for Capricorn feeding and massaging the Ariens delicate ego, when this happens it can be a very fulfilling relationship achieving great things.
With Aquarius
Aquarius can be too stubborn, argumentative and unpredictable for Ariens, and as such this can be a very provocative combination. Ariens finds Aquarius exciting and appreciates their intellect and sense of humour. Aquarius can find Ariens a bit too physical but appreciates there non conformist attitude and behaviour but wishes they did not lose their temper quite so often. This combination has a good sexual relationship but that may not stop them looking for a bit extra especially on the side!
With Pisces
This combination can work reasonably well usually because Pisces lets Aries be the boss and walk allover them, but at the same time Pisces does like the dominance. Another factor in their favour is that these signs are next to each other in the Zodiac so they may well have planets in each others sun signs. Ariens find it difficult to express feelings and emotion so may feel drawn towards the romantic and sensitive Pisces. As far as sex is concerned look for harmony in their moon signs and the Venus Mars aspects, in which case it can be absolutely fantastic!
Aries is ruled by Mars the planet of sexuality and as a fire sign it has a reputation for for having a bawdy and lusty attitude towards sex with a strong libido in both male and female Ariens, however, the lack of a suitable outlet can have a depressing effect on their lives. Ariens are not ones for a long drawn out courtship or conquest, they like to cut to the chase and they do not deal with sexual frustration very easily. This can result in the flames being permanently extinguished or manifests itself in some unhealthy ways such as aggression and verbal abuse.
Both sexes are guilty of this behaviour although there are gender differences in the how this factually happens. As far as sex is concerned Aries the ram or stud certainly applies but the female Ariens can run the risk of being seem in a negative way where as it is perfectly reasonable for a man to sow their wild oats. Aries of both sexes like to respond to the here and now so sex can happen in some unusual places. While Ariens pride themselves on their sexual prowess it can be a problem for them recognising that there are any problems and that their sexual performance was anything less than perfect.
Crystal Astrology
Ruling Planet: Mars
Birth Stones: Ruby and Diamond
Aries as a fire signs is aligned to fire crystals of passion, creativity and spirit.
Mars the God of war is assertive and aggressive and the red of the ruby birthstone needs to be handled with care as it can fire up strong emotions and red hot passions. However it can help Aries stay focused to give them the energy to achieve their goals. Carnelian can help Ariens avoid dangerous situations and amethyst can calm a troubled mind and help cope with an impatient nature. Diamond can help Ariens to be more considerate and see things more clearly.
The Runes and Astrology
Ancient runic users did not adapt the Zodiac they used the Twelve Halls of Heaven instead. Thor's Hall Bilskirnir which means 'lightening' is the equivalent to Aries. Its runes are Berkana, Ehwaz and Mannez.
Tarot and Astrology
In the Tarot Aries is the King of Wands.
Type of Person
Ambitious, optimistic, energetic, direct, daring, headstrong, impulsive, idealistic, confident, capable but on the negative side; self centered, hot tempered, and impatient.
Type of Vocation
Planning, construction, development, building work, real estate, plus any area requiring leadership skills as they have the ability to work on their own initiative.
Astrological Relationship Compatibility
The above is only a general guide which as there are so many factors involved may not always be true, only real way of finding out about astrological compatibility is with a full report which you can obtain at a bargain price from The New Age Blog. If you have just met someone it is an ideal way of seeing whether of not there are issues you need to address before you take the relationship any further.
Trevor Mayes is the proprietor of the New Age Blog and qualified in Colour Therapy which is an alternative medicine particularly suitable for stress relates issues. His interests are shamanism, the Runes, music, photography, growing vegetables, biking, mountaineering, sailing and canoe surfing.
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Is God One? Exposing the Lies of the Judeo-Christian Religion Or Judaism by Another Name - Part 2
OK, straight in with the next Holy Scripture:
Mark 12:32 And the scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God; and there is none other but he.
So what have we got going on here, for obviously this verse follows closely after Mark 12:29 which I covered in detail in part one and where we learnt that the Godhead is not one at all, but rather the Hebrew plural 'Elohim' who are united as one and yet are two separate Spiritual beings? Now if you have any doubt about the dual nature of the Godhead then this verse should remove those doubts:
Matt 22:44 The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool?
The two beings of the Godhead revealed, so what's going on in Mark 12:32, for it is plainly causing a contradiction with Mark 12:29 when read as translated in the KJV. So let's have a look at the Greek MSS to see if that reveals anything nearer to the Truth?
And said to-Him the writer (scribe) ideally Teacher on Truth you-said that one He-is and not is (there-is) other morely (more-than) of-Him (Him)
The Concordant Literal Translation has it thus:
And the scribe said to Him, In Truth, Teacher, Thou sayest ideally that He is one and there is no other more than He.
Now we already know that the Godhead is not one, so what's this verse all about? Well, we know that the Hebrew word for 'one' - 'Echad', can mean two things, either, united as one or unified as one and/or totally likeminded and thinking as one, or it can also mean 'number one' - the premier number - none above or, as this verse seems to be saying, none more than the Godhead or none above the Godhead - none higher. The problem is, this scribe is saying 'He' as if there is only one God, but does this make any sense, for, at the same time, he is referring directly to the words the Lord spoke in Mark 12:29, which were: "Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord". From part one, as already stated, we also know that the word 'God' here in the Hebrew is 'Elohim' which means plurality or more than one, so what gives? Errors are what give and the first error is to refer to God as singular, for the Godhead is not singular at all, so this means Mark 12:32 should be written: "Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one Godhead (Elohim)." Not one God. OK that's all very fine I hear you say, but the scribe, as already mentioned, is saying 'He' not 'They'. OK, so let's go now to Strong's Concordance for the answers to these problems:
G846 autos ow-tos '
From the particle au (perhaps akin to the base of G109 through the idea of a baffling wind; backward); the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the compound of G1438) of the third person, and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons: - her, it (-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, ([self-], the) same, ([him-, my-, thy-]) self, [your-] selves, she, that, their (-s), them ([-selves]), there [-at, -by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with], they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare G848.
Here in Strong's we can see there is a Spiritual dimension to this word where it says: "a baffling wind" which is a direct reference to the Spirit. We can also see where this word 'autos' can mean 'Their'; 'Them'; 'Those' or 'They' as well as 'He'. This, then, means that Mark 12:32 could and perhaps should have ended: "And there are no others but they (or them)" However, I do not believe that this was the original intended meaning of this verse, even though what I have translated is true. No, the real meaning is tied up in the awesome power of the Godhead. Notice, in the Greek, that the emphasis is on the word 'morely', meaning 'more than' and the KJV rendering, as per usual, is pathetically lacking.
I will use the Concordant Literal Translation and edit it for an example of what this verse is really saying:
And the scribe said to Him, In Truth, Teacher, Thou sayest ideally that the Godhead is united and number one and there is no other more than They - none higher, nor any greater (morely) than They. (My additions in italics)
Now this verse is making total sense, for the plurality of God (Elohim) is now included in its meaning. If it doesn't make sense to you then you must be a Judaiser and a believer in one god like the Jews and the Islamics.
I will now give you an even more laughable example of this 'God is one' nonsense and this example can be found in the Book of James:
James 2:19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
Now this verse is very sly and tricky, just like its Christian religious illegitimate authors intended, and it is very easy to read over and take in the lie that they are trying to con you with. Notice, the devils also believe and tremble, but what are we supposed believe they tremble at? Why, that God is one!! Hello, excuse me, God is what? Why, that He is one or the idea that He is a single solitary God all alone in heaven. Now, what you have to ask yourselves is this: Why would God's supposed singleness or the idea that He is one, frighten anyone? Why would this idea that God is one being, cause the devils to tremble? Can you see the stupidity that is incorporated into this corrupted verse? Why is it written that way? Easy, to get your focus off The Truth and onto their false image of a single God, rather than the real Godhead.
So what is it, if it's not God's supposed oneness, that causes the devils to tremble with fear? Answer - power, and nothing but awesome power, shown via the Godhead's unanimity, their solidarity in their likemindedness and unbreakable united bond? The Godhead have other Spirit beings around them too; the twenty four elders: the four living creatures; the Archangel Michael; the cherubim and the seraphim, plus the multiple thousands of angels and all in likeminded agreement; all united in one accord in the worship of the Godhead and all of them with Holy Spiritual Power. We 'grasshoppers' on the earth haven't a clue, as yet, as to just how powerful our Godhead is, but the demons know, for they foolishly tried to attack the Godhead and remove them from their seats of power, only to be cast out and imprisoned in darkness reserved for judgement. They have tasted first hand this awesome power and are fully aware of just how all encompassing it is. These demons also know what is in store for them later when the Lord Jesus Christ comes to take His Throne to rule this earth for a thousand years. They know that a period of severe fiery correction (mental anguish) awaits them and it's this that causes them all their fear, for they are utterly powerless to stop it. I trust now that you can see the foolishness and evil deceptions incorporated into the English translation of James 2:19.
Just for the record I will copy here the Greek MSS to show you how this verse has been corrupted:
You are-believing that one is the God ideally you-are-doing and (also) the demons are-believing and are-shuddering.
Here we can plainly see that the emphasis is on the Godhead's united strength i.e. united as one, making them all powerful, not forgetting God (Elohim) is always plural. So what this verse is actually saying is this:
You are correctly believing that the Godhead is united as one, supreme and all powerful, and so are the demons who shudder with fear at the thought.
Can you see how this verse now makes sense as opposed to the fictional nonsense as written in the KJV? I do hope so, for if you cannot, then you have to accept that God's singleness or Him being one puts fear into the demons - chuckle, chuckle, chuckle.
OK, let's move on to another farcical translation in the KJV:
Romans 3:28-30 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law 29 Is he the God of the Jews only? is he not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also: 30 Seeing it is one God, which shall justify the circumcision by faith, and uncircumcision through faith.
And from the Greek MSS:
Romans 3:28-30 we-are-accounting (we-are-reckoning) for to-be-being-justified to-belief (to-faith) man apart-from acts (works) of-law 29 or of Juda-ans (the Jews) the God only not and of-nations (gentiles) yea and also of-nations (gentiles) 30 if-even (if-so-be-that) one the God who shall-be-justifying about-cutting (circumcision) out of-belief (of-faith) and uncircumcision through the belief (faith)
Now this passage of Holy Scripture is very easy to rectify, for we have two instances in the KJV where the translators have added 'is He' twice, but this is purely an agenda based and biased corruption on two counts. It's wholly from their Judaised monotheistic erroneous idea of the Godhead, for notice, the two 'is He's' are not in the Greek MSS. So let's rewrite these verses correctly:
Romans 3:28-30 (my translation with help from the KJV and the NIV) Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law (so far so good from the KJV) or is the Godhead the Godhead of the Juda-ans only? No, the Godhead is the Godhead of the Juda-ans and the gentiles too. This is because there is only one Godhead, a Godhead who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through that same faith. Now this, dear people, is the correct translation of this passage of Holy Scripture for the Godhead constitutes two beings - the Father and the Son.
Please note, I have also used the correct translation from the Greek MSS regarding the word 'Juda-ans', and not Jews, for Juda-ans are of Judah i.e. Judahites, whereas the Jews are of Canaan through Shelah the son of Judah's Canaanitess wife. Please see my articles entitled: "Were Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Jews? Genesis 38: Royal Judahites and the Canaanite Jews - Parts 1 and 2", for all the details.
Moving on, once more, what do we have next in the way of corrupted verses, for I tell you folks, they just keep on coming?
1 Cor 8:4-6 As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one. 5 For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) 6 But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.
Now there it is, yet another mind numbingly ridiculous translation of God's Holy Word. Notice what they are saying in verse 4: "that there is none other God but one" Oh really, is that so!!?? No, is the answer to that and we can also include the dipstick translators in this answer, too, for they contradict themselves in verse 6. In verse 6 we can see that the one god, or singular god, of verse 4 has now become two. How amazing is that!!?? So let's copy these same verses out so that they make sense and speak The Truth to us:
1 Cor 8:4-6 As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the creation, and that there is none other Godhead but one. 5 For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) 6 But to us there is but one Godhead, consisting of the Father, of whom are all things, and we in Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by Him. (My corrections in italics)
As it turned out, these verses were fairly easy to correct and notice how nonsensical and blasphemous these verses are without my corrections. Is it any wonder that certain spiritually blind numb skulls maintain that the Lord Jesus Christ is not God, but rather a creation of their mickey mouse Judeo-Christian monogod?
OK, that's it for part two, I will continue with the expose in part three.
Charles Crosby
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"The Ancient Egyptian trinity is incorporated into the Judeo-Christian Religion." - Charles Crosby
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Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Is Artificial Intellgience Possible?
"Artificial Intelligence has been brain-dead since the 1970s." This rather ostentatious remark made by Marvin Minsky co-founder of the world-famous MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, was referring to the fact that researchers have been primarily concerned on small facets of machine intelligence as opposed to looking at the problem as a whole. This article examines the contemporary issues of artificial intelligence (AI) looking at the current status of the AI field together with potent arguments provided by leading experts to illustrate whether AI is an impossible concept to obtain.
Because of the scope and ambition, artificial intelligence defies simple definition. Initially AI was defined as the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence if done by men. This somewhat meaningless definition shows how AI is still a young discipline and similar early definitions have been shaped by technological and theoretical progress made in the subject. So for the time being, a good general definition that illustrates the future challenges in the AI field was made by the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) clarifying that AI is the scientific understanding of the mechanisms underlying thought and intelligent behaviour and their embodiment in machines.
The term artificial intelligence was first coined by John McCarthy at a Conference at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, in 1956, but the concept of machine intelligence is in fact much older. In ancient Greek mythology the smith-god, Hephaestus, is credited with making Talos, a "bull-headed" bronze man who guarded Crete for King Minos by patrolling the island terrifying off impostors. Similarly in the 13th century mechanical talking heads were said to have been created to scare intruders, with Albert the Great and Roger Bacon reputedly among the owners. However, it is only in the last 50 years that AI has really begun to pervade popular culture. Our fascination with thinking machines is obvious, but has been wrongfully distorted by the science-fiction connotations seen in literature, film and television.
In reality the AI field is far from creating the sentient beings seen in the media, yet this does not imply that successful progress has not been made. AI has been a rich branch of research for 50 years and many famed theorists have contributed to the field, but one computer pioneer that has shared his thoughts at the beginning and still remains timely in both his assessment and arguments is British mathematician Alan Turing. In the 1950s Turing published a paper called Computing Machinery and Intelligence in which he proposed an empirical test that identifies an intelligent behaviour when there is no discernible difference between the conversation generated by the machine and that of an intelligent person." The Turing test measures the performance of an allegedly intelligent machine against that of a human being and is arguably one of the best evaluation experiments at this present time. The Turing test, also referred to as the imitation game is carried out by having a knowledgeable human interrogator engage in a natural language conversation with two other participants, one a human the other the intelligent machine communicating entirely with textual messages. If the judge cannot reliably identify which is which, it is said that the machine has passed and is therefore intelligent. Although the test has a number of justifiable criticisms such as not being able to test perceptual skills or manual dexterity it is a great accomplishment that the machine can converse like a human and can cause a human to subjectively evaluate it as humanly intelligent by conversation alone.
Many theorist have disputed the Turing Test as an acceptable means of proving artificial intelligence, an argument posed by Professor Jefferson Lister states, "not until a machine can write a sonnet or compose a concerto because of thoughts and emotions felt, and not by the chance fall of symbols, could we agree that machine equals brain". Turing replied by saying that we have no way of knowing that any individual other than ourselves experiences emotions and that therefore we should accept the test. However Lister did have a valid point to make, developing an artificial consciousness. Intelligent machines already exist that are autonomous; they can learn, communicate and teach each other, but creating an artificial intuition, a consciousness, is the holy grail of artificial intelligence. When modelling AI on the human mind many illogical paradoxes surface and you begin to see how the complexity of the brain has been underestimated and why simulating it has not be as straightforward as experts believed in the 1950s. The problem with human beings is that they are not algorithmic creatures; they prefer to use heuristic shortcuts and analogies to situations well known. However, this is a psychological implication, it is not that people are smarter then explicit algorithms, but that they are sloppy and yet do well in most cases.
The phenomenon of consciousness has caught the attention of many Philosophers and Scientists throughout history and innumerable papers and books have been published devoted to the subject. However, no other biological singularity has remained so resistant to scientific evidence and persistently ensnarled in fundamental philosophical and semantic tangles. Under ordinary circumstances, we have little difficulty in determining when other people lose or regain consciousness and as long as we avoid describing it, the phenomenon remains intuitively clear. Most Computer Scientists believe that the consciousness was an evolutionary add-on and can therefore be algorithmically modelled. Yet many recent claims oppose this theory. Sir Roger Penrose, an English mathematical physicist, argues that the rational processes of the human mind are not completely algorithmic and thus transcends computation and Professor Stuart Hameroff's proposal that consciousness emerges as a macroscopic quantum state from a critical level of coherence of quantum level events in and around cytoskeletal microtubules within neurons. Although these are all theories with not much or no empirical evidence, it is still important to consider each of them because it is vital that we understand the human mind before we can duplicate it.
Another key problem with duplicating the human mind is how to incorporate the various transitional states of consciousness such as REM sleep, hypnosis, drug influence and some psychopathological states within a new paradigm. If these states are removed from the design due to their complexity or irrelevancy in a computer then it should be pointed out that perhaps consciousness cannot be artificially imitated because these altered states have a biophysical significance for the functionality of the mind.
If consciousness is not algorithmic, then how is it created? Obviously we do not know. Scientists who are interested in subjective awareness study the objective facts of neurology and behaviour and have shed new light on how our nervous system processes and discriminates among stimuli. But although such sensory mechanisms are necessary for consciousness, it does not help to unlock the secrets of the cognitive mind as we can perceive things and respond to them without being aware of them. A prime example of this is sleepwalking. When sleepwalking occurs (Sleepwalking comprises approximately 25 percent of all children and 7 percent of adults) many of the victims carry out dangerous or stupid tasks, yet some individuals carry out complicated, distinctively human-like tasks, such as driving a car. One may dispute whether sleepwalkers are really unconscious or not, but if it is in fact true that the individuals have no awareness or recollection of what happened during their sleepwalking episode, then perhaps here is the key to the cognitive mind. Sleepwalking suggests at least two general behavioural deficiencies associated with the absence of consciousness in humans. The first is a deficiency in social skills. Sleepwalkers typically ignore the people they encounter, and the rare interactions that occur are perfunctory and clumsy, or even violent. The other major deficit in sleepwalking behaviour is linguistics. Most sleepwalkers respond to verbal stimuli with only grunts or monosyllables, or make no response at all. These two apparent deficiencies may be significant. Sleepwalkers luse of protolanguage; short, grammar-free utterances with referential meaning but lack syntax, may illustrate that the consciousness is a social adaptation and that other animals do not lack understanding or sensation, but that they lack language skills and therefore cannot reflect on their sensations and become self-aware. In principle Francis Crick, co-discover of double helix DNA structure, believed this hypotheses. After he and James Watson solved the mechanism of inheritance, Crick moved to neuroscience and spent the rest of his trying to answer the biggest biological question; what is the consciousness? Working closely with Christof Koch, he published his final paper in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London and in it he proposed that an obscure part of the brain, the claustrum, acts like a conductor of an orchestra and binds vision, olfaction, somatic sensation, together with the amygdala and other neuronal processing for the unification of thought and emotion. And the fact that all mammals have a claustrum means that it is possible that other animals have high intelligence.
So how different are the minds of animals in comparison to our own? Can their minds be algorithmically simulated? Many Scientists are reluctant to discuss animal intelligence as it is not an observable property and nothing can be perceived without reason and therefore there is not much published research on the matter. But, by avoiding the comparison of some human mental states to other animals, we are impeding the use of a comparative method that may unravel the secrets of the cognitive mind. However primates and cetacean have been considered by some to be extremely intelligent creatures, second only to humans. Their exalted status in the animal kingdom has lead to their involvement in almost all of published experiments related to animal intelligence. These experiments coupled with analysis of primate and cetaceans brain structure has lead to many theories as to the development of higher intelligence as a trait. Although these theories seem to be plausible, there is some controversy over the degree to which non-human studies can be used to infer about the structure of human intelligence.
By many of the physical methods of comparing intelligence, such as measuring the brain size to body size ratio, cetacean surpass non-human primates and even rival human beings. For example dolphins have a cerebral cortex which is about 40% larger a human being. Their cortex is also stratified in much the same way as humans. The frontal lobe of dolphins is also developed to a level comparable to humans. In addition the parietal lobe of dolphins which "makes sense of the senses" is larger than the human parietal and frontal lobes combined. The similarities do not end there; most cetaceans have large and well-developed temporal lobes which contain sections equivalent to Broca's and Wernicke's areas in humans.
Dolphins exhibit complex behaviours; they have a social hierarchy, they demonstrate the ability to learn complex tricks, when scavenging for food on the sea floor, some dolphins have been seen tearing off pieces of sponge and wrapping them around their "bottle nose" to prevent abrasions; illustrating yet another complex cognitive process thought to be limited to the great apes, they apparently communicate by emitting two very distinct kinds of acoustic signals, which we call whistles and clicks and lastly dolphins do not use sex purely for procreative purposes. Some dolphins have been recorded having homosexual sex, which demonstrates that they must have some consciousness. Dolphins have a different brain structure then humans that could perhaps be algorithmic simulated. One example of their dissimilar brain structure and intelligence is their sleep technique. While most mammals and birds show signs of rapid REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, reptiles and cold-blooded animals do not. REM sleep stimulates the brain regions used in learning and is often associated with dreaming. The fact that cold-blooded animals do not have REM sleep could be enough evidence to suggest that they are not conscious and therefore their brains can definitely be emulated. Furthermore, warm-blood creatures display signs of REM sleep, and thus dream and therefore must have some environmental awareness. However, dolphins sleep unihemispherically, they are conscious breathers, and if fall asleep they could drown. Evolution has solved this problem by letting one half of its brain sleep at a time. As dolphins utilise this technique, they lack REM sleep and therefore a high intelligence, perhaps consciousness, is possible that does not incorporate the transitional states mentioned earlier.
The evidence for animal consciousness is indirect. But so is the evidence for the big bang, neutrinos, or human evolution. As in any event, such unusual assertions must be subject to rigorous scientific procedure, before they can be accepted as even vague possibilities. Intriguing, but more proof is required. However merely because we do not understand something does not mean that it is false - or not. Studying other animal minds is a useful comparative method and could even lead to the creation of artificial intelligence (that does not include irrelevant transitional states for an artificial entity), based on a model not as complex as our own. Still the central point being illustrated is how ignorant our understanding of the human brain, or any other brain is and how one day a concrete theory can change thanks to enlightening findings.
Furthermore, an analogous incident that exemplifies this argument happened in 1847, when an Irish workman, Phineas Cage, shed new light on the field of neuroscience when a rock blasting accident sent an iron rod through the frontal region of his brain. Miraculously enough, he survived the incident, but even more astonishing to the science community at the time were the marked changes in Cages personality after the rode punctured his brain. Where before Cage was characterized by his mild mannered nature, he had now become aggressive, rude and "indulging in the grossest profanity, which was not previously his custom, manifesting but little deference for his fellows, impatient of restraint or advice when it conflicts with his desires" according to the Boston physician Harlow in 1868. However, Cage sustained no impairment with regards to his intelligence or memory.
The serendipity of the Phineas Cage incident demonstrates how architecturally robust the structure of the brain is and by comparison how rigid a computer is. All mechanical systems and algorithms would stop functioning correctly or completely if an iron rod punctured them, that is with the exception of artificial neural systems and their distributed parallel structure. In the last decade AI has began to resurge thanks to the promising approach of artificial neural systems.
Artificial neural systems or simply neural networks are modelled on the logical associations made by the human brain, they are based on mathematical models that accumulate data, or "knowledge," based on parameters set by administrators. Once the network is "trained" to recognize these parameters, it can make an evaluation, reach a conclusion and take action. In the 1980s, neural networks became widely used with the backpropagation algorithm, first described by Paul John Werbos in 1974. The 1990s marked major achievements in many areas of AI and demonstrations of various applications. Most notably in 1997, IBM's Deep Blue supercomputer defeated the world chess champion Garry Kasparov. After the match Kasparov was quoted as saying the computer played "like a god."
That chess match and all its implications raised profound questions about neural networks. Many saw it as evidence that true artificial intelligence had finally been achieved. After all, a man was beaten by a computer in a game of wits. But it is one thing to program a computer to solve the kind of complex mathematical problems found in chess. It is quite another for a computer to make logical deductions and decisions on its own.
Using neural networks, to emulate brain function, provides many positive properties including parallel functioning, relatively quick realisation of complicated tasks, distributed information, weak computation changes due to network damage (Phineas Cage), as well as learning abilities, i.e. adaptation upon changes in environment and improvement based on experience. These beneficial properties of neural networks have inspired many scientists to propose them as a solution for most problems, so with a sufficiently large network and adequate training, the networks could accomplish many arbitrary tasks, without knowing a detailed mathematical algorithm of the problem. Currently, the remarkable ability of neural networks is best demonstrated by the ability of Honda's Asimo humanoid robot that cannot just walk and dance, but even ride a bicycle. Asimo, an acronym for Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility, has 16 flexible joints, requiring a four-processor computer to control its movement and balance. Its exceptional human-like mobility, are only possible because the neural networks that are connected to the robot's motion and positional sensors and control its 'muscle' actuators are capable of being 'taught' to do a particular activity.
The significance of this sort of robot motion control is the virtual impossibility of a programmer being able to actually create a set of detailed instructions for walking or riding a bicycle, instructions which could then be built into a control program. The learning ability of the neural network overcomes the need to precisely define these instructions. However, despite the impressive performance of the neural networks, Asimo still cannot think for itself and its behaviour is still firmly anchored on the lower-end of the intelligent spectrum, such as reaction and regulation.
Neural networks are slowly finding there way into the commercial world. Recently, Siemens launched a new fire detector that uses a number of different sensors and a neural network to determine whether the combination of sensor readings are from a fire or just part of the normal room environment such as dust. Over fifty percent of fire call-outs are false and of these well over half are due to fire detectors being triggered by everyday activities as opposed to actual fires, so this is clearly a beneficial use of the paradigm.
But are there limitations to the capabilities of neural networks or will they be the solution to creating strong-AI? Artificial neural networks are biologically inspired but that does not mean that they are necessarily biologically plausible. Many Scientists have published their thoughts on the intrinsic limitations of using neural networks; one book that received high exposure within the Computer Scientist community in 1969 was Perceptron by Minsky and Papert. Perceptron brought clarity to the limitations of neural networks, although many scientists were aware of limited ability of an incomplex perceptron to classify patterns, Minskys and Paperts approach of finding what are neural networks good for? illustrated what is impeding future development of neural networks. Within its time period Perceptron was exceptionally constructive and its identifiable content gave the impetus for later research that conquered some of the depicted computational problems restricting the model. An example is the exclusive-or problem. The exclusive-or problem contains four patterns of two inputs each; a pattern is a positive member of a set if either one of the input bits is on, but not both. Thus, changing the input pattern by one-bit changes the classification of the pattern. This is the simplest example of a linearly inseparable problem. A perceptron using linear threshold functions requires a layer of internal units to solve this problem, and since the connections between the input and internal units could not be trained, a perceptron could not learn this classification. Eventually this restriction was solved by incorporating extra hidden layers. Although advances in neural network research have solved many of the limitations identified by Minsky and Papert, numerous still remain such as networks using linear threshold units still violate the limited order constraint when faced with linearly inseparable problems Additionally, the scaling of weights as the size of the problem space increases remains an issue.
It is clear that the dismissive views about neural networks disseminated by Minsky, Papert and many other Computer Scientists have some evidential support, but still many researchers have ignored their claims and refused to abandon this biologically inspired system.
There have been several recent advances in artificial neural networks by integrating other specialised theories into the multi-layered structure in an attempt to improve the system methodology and move one step closer to creating strong-AI. One promising area is the integration of fuzzy logic. invented by Professor Lotfi Zadeh. Other admirable algorithmic ideas include quantum inspired neural networks (QUINNs) and network cavitations proposed by S.L.Thaler.
The history of artificial intelligence is replete with theories and failed attempts. It is in inevitable that the discipline will progress with technological and scientific discoveries, but will they ever reach the final hurdle?
Tommy Connolly, Undergraduate at the University of Exeter reading Computer Science
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Monday, 8 August 2011
The Gods of Thunder: Raiden vs. Thor
Sunday, 7 August 2011
The Great Mother from Asia Minor to Rome
Friday, 5 August 2011
Clash of gods S1E1 part1
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Black and White 2 - Gameplay - Land 7
Monday, 1 August 2011
The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan - Book Review
The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan is the fifth and last book in the Olympian series with Percy Jackson. The book promises a riveting twist and some exciting new additions to the story. The Last Olympian is a sequel to The Battle of the Labyrinth, so avid readers of the series will have a lot of fun revisiting the characters and picking up where the story left off.
According to reviews, the book is fairly anticipated by avid readers and those who have just been introduced to Rick Riordan's kind of writing. The Last Olympian is a combination of some exciting Greek mythology gods, with the modern-day action-packed adventure and twists. It blends the past and the present, and Riordan's ability to do so is what makes readers follow the Olympian series religiously.
I was told by a friend who was a fan of Rick Riordan that he got addicted to his books because Riordan is able to present something new to the readers every time they read a new book. The same style and writing remains, but there is always a new twist, a new character, a surprising new plot that always get the readers to be astonished and hooked with the book they're reading. I asked my friend whether I would be hooked if I started reading Riordan's books. Knowing that I have high standards when it comes to writers, especially those who are brave enough to incorporate Greek mythology in their plots, my friend confidently answered yes.
So in the official release of The Last Olympian a few days from now, I promised to order one for myself and see if all the fuss is worth, well, all the fuss. I am also planning the first four books in the series by Rick Riordan to be able to follow the story.
For more information, check other The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan book reviews.
Erika Ayala works part time for a consumer review company.