Saturday, 31 July 2010

Creating a Historical Wedding Ring

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Diamond wedding rings have always been associated with love, especially for a couple. It may also symbolize an everlasting commitment. However, a wedding band may also hold a different meaning. In buying a wedding ring, consider first the things you would like to add up on the design. Things that may symbolize particular meaning may it be personal, cultural, or religious, whatever you like.

Engraving names and wedding dates on the inside of the wedding ring has been a tradition in Europe. However, the most symbolic wedding ring of all time would probably be those that are used in Hebrew wedding for they are larger than the regular rings as well as unwieldy. This ring is shaped resembling the dome of the Jewish temple.

In Victorian times, it was a tradition to wear a different ring with a different stone everyday, depending on what day it is. This was because they believe planet gods controlled days and each favored a specific stone like for Sunday, it was believed that it was represented by the sun and was symbolized by diamonds, red garnets, or pearls.

Deciding what design to use for your wedding ring would depend on the preference of you and your partner. You may use some of those historic traditions or create your own design that may convey meanings relevant to your relationship or as an individual.

Express your strong faith through a religious ring. You can use bands that signify a cross or engrave a bible verse inside the ring. Another way of customizing your wedding ring is by heritage. One example is Celtic heritage, which is symbolized in various ways by selecting a Claddagh or any ring with Celtic design. While, the Greek may use a ring designed with Greek key. The design was believed to symbolize love, friendship, and devotion. As for Native Americans, wearing a ring that symbolizes an animal important to their tribe like a wolf is a way of acknowledging the Native American heritage.

Andy Moquin has spent 20 years in the jewelry business buying and selling over $20,000,000 in diamonds, engagement rings and custom designed jewelry. He is an accomplished business consultant and is available for advice on topics such as marketing, advertising, merchandising and business turnarounds.

Friday, 30 July 2010

The Christ, Ratu Adil & Satria Piningit--Revealed?! Part 4

Ratu Adil and Satria Piningit

Indonesia long awaits the saviors, Satria Piningit and Ratu Adil to show-up on the political stage to usher-in the Golden Age; and she secretly expects the saviors to "glorify" her before the other nations, just as other groups or some other nations egotistically long for the same thing. We would like to emphasize here that emissaries from God do not appear for the progress of a single group, sect, nation, etc.; the "angels" of God march on behalf of the spiritual unfoldment of humanity and the manifestation of God's Will on Earth.

In this chapter we will discuss this subject of Ratu Adil and Satria Piningit in greater detail that has only been touched upon previously.

Ratu Adil

Ratu Adil, is the "Queen of Justice " as translated into English. An improved rendering would be "Goddess of Justice." The goddess is also called Satrio Wirang by some mystics. Many centuries ago her advent and influence was prophesied by Jayabaya, or those appropriating his name, such as Pangeran Wijil who wrote the book, "Jangka Jayabaya" in 1741.

Ever since the prediction was made there have been speculations as to the probable nature or even identity of the goddess, and also her associate, Satria Piningit. There are those that believe that when the time is ripe Ratu Adil would incarnate and live in the physical world as a human being and establish justice in a chaotic and anarchic world.

R. Ng Ranggawarsita, a poet of the "Kraton Surakarta" once wrote that a king would be born in Mecca with symbolic signs appearing such as the "Tujung Putih, Pudak Sinumpet," or "White Lotus Flower, Hidden Bud." The White Lotus Flower supposedly refers to Ratu Adil, whereas the Hidden Bud refers to Satria Piningit.

White lotus flowers have always signified spirituality or divinity to the ancient Egyptians, Hindus, and other cultures. The symbolic signs above could well mean that though she is unveiled, she is yet hidden; or in other words, her influence would be active in the physical world of men but she herself will remain unseen, the reason being that she resides in a different dimension. When mystics mention Mecca, what they are actually referring to is the Kabah, or House of God. In esoteric language, the Kabah symbolizes a high state of consciousness, or a lofty spiritual estate. Considering then, Mecca in conjunction with the other symbols we may reason Ratu Adil to be a divine, spiritual being, a goddess, functioning in a higher world unseen by the physical senses, but active in directing her representatives to work on behalf of Truth, Freedom and Justice.

Some believe that the coming of Ratu Adil simply means that at a future date justice would rule over our hearts and souls, and that our governments would implement Justice and Truth as the voice of their respective nation's conscience. We concur with this belief; however, it might surprise some people to know that the Goddess of Justice, or Ratu Adil, does actually exist as a personal being and known to some students of esotericism. She is a cosmic entity far more advanced than any "perfect" human being, hence the title of "Goddess." She is known among the members of the Spiritual Hierarchy and their unascended disciples as "Portia (Por-shia), the Goddess of Justice."

According to notions here in Indonesia, Ratu Adil is somehow associated with Satria Piningit. Western occultism supports this concept. Ratu Adil and Satria Piningit are actually what is called "Twin-Flames," or "Twin-Spirits." To explain briefly what Twin-Souls are according to western occultism: the true identity of man is the Spirit, the divine spark of God within the microcosm. Theosophical students call this the "Monad". When the main Divine Spark first emerged from the parent-flame, or God, it consisted of two polarities, one masculine and the other feminine. These two polarities later separated into lesser Sparks, or Spirits. Each human being is that evolving Spirit of a certain polarity of one of those billions of Divine Sparks, and each of us has a Twin-Spirit somewhere in the universe. Though most of us are presently separated from our Twin, we will unite with our "alter ego" when we have evolved to a certain stage and fulfilled certain spiritual tasks. Related to the principle of Twin-Flames are the Soul-mate and Karmic-mate concepts; however, they are irrelevant in this paper.

Portia, or Ratu Adil is one of the directors of the Karmic Board, and as such she is known as a "Lord of Karma." The Karmic Board plays an important role in the evolution of humanity. The Board may be considered as the "higher law," or God's channel for executing divine justice, in contradistinction to the justice of mortal man who gleefully say that "justice is blind."

We quote below from a glossary of the Summit Lighthouse the purpose of the Board of Karma and its members:

"The Lords of Karma dispense justice to this system of worlds, adjudicating karma, mercy, and judgment on behalf of every lifestream. All souls must pass before the Karmic Board before and after each incarnation on earth, receiving their assignment and karmic allotment for each lifetime beforehand and the review of their performance at its conclusion. Through the 'Keeper of the Scrolls' and the 'Recording Angels,' the Lords of Karma have access to the complete records of every lifestream's incarnations on earth. They determine who shall embody, as well as when and where. They assign souls to families and communities, measuring out the weights of karma that must be balanced as the 'jot and tittle' of the law. The Karmic Board, acting in consonance with the individual I AM Presence and Christ Self, determines when the soul has earned the right to be free from the wheel of karma and the round of rebirth . . ."

There are presently eight members in the Karmic Board, each one representing a Spiritual Ray or power emanating from the spiritual counterpart of the Sun. All of them are lofty cosmic beings. To explain what these Spiritual Rays are is beyond the scope of this work. The Lords of Karma are:

First Ray

Great Divine Director

Second Ray

Goddess of Liberty

Third Ray

Lady Master Nada

Fourth Ray

Elohim Cyclopea

Fifth Ray

Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth

Sixth Ray

Portia, Goddess of Justice

Seventh Ray

Kuan Yin, Goddess of Mercy

And recently a new member was installed representing the five secret rays--Vairochana--one of the Dhyani Buddhas.

Satria Piningit

As we said before, Christ, Ratu Adil, and Satria Piningit are members of the Spiritual Hierarchy and/or the Karmic Board. Satria Piningit is one of the "Lords of the Flame." These Lords are called Chohans, meaning "Lord," or "Master" in Tibetan. There are seven Lords functioning under the direction of the three departments of the spiritual government. Each of the Chohan represents and directs the Christ-Consciousness of a certain Divine Ray emanating from the Spiritual Sun; they also represent the qualities associated with that Ray. They assist the evolution of humanity in that field, or Ray-aspect with which they represent. The Lord of the Seventh Ray is a spiritual entity called Saint Germain; the name is a title, it means, "Holy Brother." Saint Germain is Satria Piningit, the Knight Commander whose advent was predicted by Jayabaya. Saint Germain and Portia (Satria Piningit and Ratu Adil) are Devapi and Maru as mentioned in the Kalki Purana. "Devapi" literally means "God of Fire," or in other words, "Lord of the Flame." Aside from being a Chohan of the Seventh Ray, Saint Germain also holds the title of "God of Freedom." This is the reason why whenever freedom is called for, the Knight Commander responds. In the past, St.Germain played an important role in the American Revolution.

It is our belief that he was active in the fight for freedom in Indonesia several decades ago as well, and also why his presence may be felt even now by our local "sensitives." Economy, Organization, and Ceremony come under the direction of the office of the Lord of the Seventh Ray. Satria Piningit is also the great economist; and under his direction monetary and economic crisis may be solved but under certain strict conditions. St.Germain is likewise the "Initiator of Souls" in the science and ritual of transmutation through the violet flame of the Holy Spirit. Below we give the name of the Lords of the Rays, together with the colour Ray that they rule and their associated field of expertise:

[Please visit this page for table:]

According to Jayabaya, Satria Piningit will "appear" in an Age to come. Since Jayabaya made this prediction in the Age of Pisces, the "Age to come" refers to the Aquarian Age. It is not known exactly when the Aquarian Age would commence. Some give the date 2002 AD. to be the start of the New Age. The consensus among Indonesian psychics, several years ago, is that Satria Piningit would appear at the end of 1998. If they were referring to a physical presence and a public appearance then they may be mistaken, as so far, to this very day, there is no indication whatsoever to that effect--at least not in Indonesia.

Why was the advent of St.Germain said to be in the coming Age? According to certain sources, aside from being the Lord of the Seventh Ray, St. Germain, alias, Satria Piningit is also the Hierarch or the President-Director for the Aquarian Age. He rules the New Age as Hierarch together with his twin-flame Portia, the Goddess of Justice.

Another reason why the influence of Saint Germain is now growing in world affairs is that because now there is a great influx of the Violet Ray beaming upon our planet. Each of the Seven Rays has its cycle of influence in world affairs. Each cycle may run for centuries. The Violet Ray is now the predominant ray influencing humanity, with Satria Piningit as its Lord. It would be interesting to note that the symbol of St.Germain is the violet Maltese cross.

Knowing that the Knight Commander is the Lord of the Violet Ray it came to no surprise to us when we read in a local paranormal magazine ("Misteri" issue no.220) dealing with the supernatural, concerning Satria Piningit and the Violet Ray, as mentioned by "Eyang Prawiro." According to Prawiro, the signs of the emergence of Satria Piningit are indicated by hailstorms--and from the South; after the abeyance of the storm, a certain refined violet light like a rainbow will shine upon a hill. And it is there that the one who is in spiritual retreat will be consecrated with the violet light that is called the "spirit of Satria Piningit."

We would like to state here that there is an esoteric interpretation to the above description. Hills or mountains often symbolize the peak of consciousness while in intense meditation. They do not refer to a physical place. The one meditating may be any individual seeking for enlightenment. Hailstorms symbolizes psychological turmoil. In a spiritual-state during meditation, one may indeed contact the Knight Commander and be empowered by his Violet Ray and come under his spiritual influence should certain basic requirements be fulfilled. The above description, therefore, does not refer to any particular individual at all, but all those who align themselves with the ideals and principles embodied by St.Germain.

From the same source as the above, Eyang Prawiro says that Satria Piningit is not a human spirit. This substantiates our concept that the Knight Commander is a very evolved being, a god--using the term to mean a highly evolved entity that has transcended the human state of being. Below we quote Prawiro:

"Untuk Satrio Piningit, tokoh adil, kharismatik dan superpintar itu, dalam kontemplasi saya adalah roh yang supersuci dan bukan dari manusia, tapi dari roh halus, roh Malaikat pembantu Allah yang dipilih untuk menitis dalam bentuk wujud nyata manusia di dunia dan melakukan tindakan keadilan melawan kejahatan yang merajalela di Bumi."

("Regarding the Hidden Knight, a righteous, charismatic, and super-intelligent individual--in my contemplation is a very evolved spirit and not a human being, but a higher dimensional entity, a Guardian Angel of God that has been chosen to incarnate in this world in a human physical form and perform acts of justice against evil that is violently overpowering this world.")

The "Guardian Angel of God" that Prawiro refers to is in accord with the teachings of western occultism that the Knight Commander is a Lord of the Flame, one of those high entities appointed to rule over a Spiritual Ray; however, it is not known whether Saint Germain actually is embodied, physically speaking. Many occult students believe that he is.

Prawiro also goes on to say that there are many Satria Piningits, and they will all appear to bring peace to the planet wherever and whenever they are needed. It should be evident from what we have revealed thus far, that Saint Germain has his representatives all over the planet, all of them being directed and inspired to work and act on behalf of Freedom, Justice, and Truth. Saint Germain contacts his knights telepathically and spiritually.

Prawiro also believes that one particular representative of Saint Germain will be chosen to be the leader of this nation, and that this said representative is still unknown. This could well be a possibility, but we would like to emphasize that there will be many who will represent the Knight Commander, and not just a single individual. They may not all be politicians.

Regarding the representative of St. Germain, or Indonesia's future leader, Prawiro says that this individual chosen will be a Muslim, a follower of Islam, and not a devotee of one of the other religions. This may or may not be true, depending upon our perspective. The word Islam means, "surrender,"--surrender to God and to Cosmic law. It is also the surrender of the false ego, that the greater will of God may be implemented. In this sense all those who surrender themselves, no matter what religion they follow, may be considered as devotees of Islam, disregarding the "Syariat" aspect of the religion.

Prawiro goes on to say that the leader will be a man and not a woman. Does this refer to the physical body or to psychological traits? If it refers to psychological traits even entities in female bodies may be considered "male." In reality, the soul is neither male nor female.

There is also a current belief that Satria Piningit or his representative is a Javanese. We would like to stress here that Saint Germain is not a Javanese, though his representatives are of many races; however, this is irrelevant. It is not the outer form that is important, but the inner quality of the soul. Nevertheless, we may interpret the word "Java-nese" to mean a "man of God." In the Hebrew language, the Tetragramaton--the four-letter word, represents the name of God. The four letters are "Yod-He-Vau-He." The real pronunciation of the word is known only to a few. The Tetragramaton is said to possess miraculous powers when enunciated correctly. Scholars and mystics of the past variably pronounce the Divine Name as, Jevo, Jao, Javo, Jave, Javeh, Jehovah, Jehva, Jahu, Yahweh, Java, etc. From this our readers may well understand how we infer "Javanese" to mean "Man of God." Some may object that the Hebrew and Javanese languages have nothing in common; it should be known, however, that many languages do share a common root.

Many sources claim that St.Germain had many vital incarnations. He was, for instance, embodied as Samuel the Prophet (circa 1100 B.C.); as Joseph, the husband and protector of Mary and their child Jesus; as Proclus, Greek philosopher of the 5th century; as Merlin the Magician; as St.Alban who lived in the 8th century; as Roger Bacon (circa 1214-1294)--English philosopher and experimental scientist; as Christopher Columbus; as Francis Bacon (Shakespeare), Lord Chancellor of England--statesman, essayist, the "father of inductive science"; and as Prince Rakoczy--the Comte de Saint Germain, the "Wonderman of Europe"--he who was referred to by Voltaire in a letter to Frederick II as the "man who never dies." As a "physical immortal" in that incarnation his worldly activities have been documented for more than a century (1710-1822). He was said to be still alive in the 20th century with many eye-witnesses, one being Charles Leadbeater, an eminent theosophical member.

Saint Germain as Francis Bacon engineered his own mock death and subsequently moved to Rakoczy Mansion in the Carpathian foothills of Translavania where he "ascended." The Ascension is one of the advanced initiations offered to man; its spiritual level is much higher than Sainthood, or Masterhood.

[Note: This paper contains images which may be seen as originally published at our website]

Copyright © 2006 Luxamore

Metaphysical teacher, counseler, healer and merchant of occult/magickal items of Indonesia.

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Looking For Unique and Sexy Dolphin Tattoo Designs? Get the Charm of Dolphin Tattoo Designs!

Dolphin tattoo designs are sexy and they are liked by both men and women. They are adaptable not only in terms of its location on the body but also in terms of variety of tattoo art.

You can draw a dolphin of Celtic or tribal influenced design or any stylized variation. A dolphin jumping of the water could be emphasized by splashes of water that could be added on the sides. Perhaps a dolphin head bobbing gaily could be attractive too.

There seems to be some kind of mystic about dolphins because they are believed to salvage drowning sailors. To fishermen, dolphins suggest a bountiful fishing expedition. Greek mythology portrays the dolphin as the carrier of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and loyal subjects of Poseidon, the sea god.

The advent of sea parks exhibiting the prowess of the dolphin proves that they are intelligent and could be trained to do tricks and interact with human beings. We are captivated by how dolphins do some synchronized acrobatics, carry their trainers, respond to commands and be simply playful with anybody.

Thus, a person who is sporting a dolphin tattoo may project the spirit of freedom, frolic, creativity, and intelligence. It could also mean that one has conquered or mastered the water element and suggests an adventurous and courageous character.

Dolphins are always sketched in a poise that shows that they are moving, like leaping out of the water or tossing a ball on its nose. They are also portrayed to be smiling or laughing as shown by their open mouth and wide open eyes.

Relish the charm that dolphin exudes through a dolphin tattoo on your shoulder, forearm, ankles, back or anywhere on your body. You will be surprised that having a dolphin tattoo generates interest the moment somebody sees it on you because most people are captivated by the dolphin's unique charm.

If you are looking for unique, hot and sexy Dolphin Tattoo Design I recommend you have a look at They have more than 30,000 tattoo designs in their gallery.

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

DVD Review - Clash of the Titans (1981)

Based on one of the most famous classic Greek myths, Clash of the Titans is a delight for adults and children alike. Lawrence Olivier, Burgess Meredith, Harry Hamlin and Judi Bowker star in this immortal myth concerning the dangerous and timeless love of Andromeda and Perseus.

This dramatic adventure revolves around Perseus fulfilling his destiny, involving taming Pegasus, the last winged horse, capturing and beheading Medusa one of the last Titans, and answering a mysterious riddle in order to win the hand of Andromeda, the daughter of the Queen of Joppa, Cassiopeia.

Clash of the Titans reflects the Greek mythological characters well, with it's great casting of the starring roles. Lawrence Olivier was a perfect choice for the role of Zeus with his commanding voice and stern presence. His son, Perseus, played by Harry Hamlin, displayed a determined and daring character, with a compassionate side for all types of creatures and humans alike.

Moreover, Judi Bowker showed an elegant, yet sensitive character in her character Andromeda, that even sprinkled with bravery, could display terror with the best of them. Burgess Meredith, had a great characterization of an old playwrite, that while learning much wisdom from all his philosophy, still he retained a strong reverence for the mighty and mysterious Gods.

Much of the film focused on Perseus and his fellow Greek soldiers, fighting and just barely, winning the battles with the deadly creatures, such as Medusa with her head of snakes with venomous blood and a look that could turn any man or creature instantly into stone.

Calibos, played by Neil Macarthy, the doomed creature and competitor for the hand of Andromeda, was a dangerous mix of bull, lizard and man that had earlier been punished by Zeus for capturing and killing all the flying horses, except one, Pegasus. The animated hunched, cloven and massive disproportionate, muscular strength look of Calibos was chilling and quite a striking contrast to the handsome, perfectly formed, Perseus. During their first confrontation in the swamp realm of Calibos, both creature and man showed their fierce devotion for Andromeda, and how they differed not in battle, but in compassion.

The timeless myth continues, with the Greek legend directed towards several constellations said to have been placed in the night sky by Zeus himself, namely; Perseus standing with his sword raised, the beautiful, adorned Andromeda, the vain Cassiopeia looking in her mirror, and the brave, flying horse, Pegasus.

For a lot of fun and excitement, romance and adventure to strange, weird places, this classic Greek tale can capture the attention and admiration of both adults and children alike. Rated PG with some frontal nudity.

Tom Straub is a successful author, and owner of the Game Center web site, where you can see DVDs of your favorite kind of entertainment.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

The Dragons

I hope to provide a starting point for the serious scholar interested in the all important Chanes of Central America and convince researchers to look into the Egyptian dragons (crocodiles) and Chinese as well. I suspect the Li or Lee family of Merovingians has some connection to the Nestorian and Basilian types long before the Kuomintang which Andre Malraux knew was a high level Masonic structure. It is most important to look at the work of alien reptoid or Elohim promoters of all stripe and color. Sir Laurence Gardner is right alongside the Mormons and other Masonic Medusas or Gorgon types.

The end of the de Médicis influence and the rise of Illuminism and the founding of America might be pure coincidence. However the date of the founding of Weishaupt's Illuminati does coincide with two world powers quite separated by time. Could he have had access to a time-viewing 'Stone'? May 1, 1776 is the same year the U.S.A. was started and we know Russia celebrated May Day on the first of May as their major national festival even though there is no specified reason for that. The financing of Russia and both sides of all wars has been gone into by Professor Quigley who worked for the Council on Foreign Relations and/or the Tri-Lateral Commission. Many authors are making connections with court documents and lots of great evidence. I heartily recommend Rule By Secrecy and hope people will check out Icke's the truth shall set you free even though he has gone on to a semi-hallucinatory evaluation of the Skull & Bones that they have probably used to discredit him. If you wish to go further and see the nature of the horror Icke really is onto in that regard you should get it from the 'horse's mouth'. The 'horse's mouth' is these books by HRH Nicholas de Vere and Laurence Gardner (Genesis of the Grail Kings); you might think the horse is talking through another orifice. De Vere actually is proud of the blood sports Count Dracul or Vlad the Impaler employed. You might think a person who has written about exorcisms and the 'Stone' wouldn't blanche at any occult thing - but I really am shocked by what they say.

When the Kelts colonized Memphis with Isis they had no beloved cranes to share nature with. Manetho tells us this was around 36,000 BC and deep mines have been found dating back 35,000 years in Egypt recently. There were many ibises to take the place of the larger crane for those who wished to worship the things that are represented in the Language of the Birds (BRD = Baird, Bard and my family name) or Ogham in its runic and divinatory form. At the Temple of Onias in Egypt an Israeli worship system of the Moses tradition has been excavated with hundreds of thousands of mummified ibis-sacrifices. The next quote gives insight to the letter 'J' that was not part of many alphabets and why Iesa (the Brotherhood of Man concept) became Jesus or Zeus in other tongues. It also has 'An' for the Anunnaki alien reptoid lovers. 'An' is also in D'anu or Dana and the Danube culture where the Kelts began according to genetics and Gimbutas. As to the Ur people thinking these were reptoids who helped teach them and make their civilization grow - I think it was Druidic or shamanic knowledge of shape-shifting and the mind fogging technique of sorcery that caused them to see the Chanes or Dragons.

You can say shape shifting is mere hallucination or mind-fogging when practiced by magicians. I cannot prove otherwise and I suspect you would be right. There are many legends and other reasons why I keep an open mind about the matter. I am sure the spirit or mind's eye of an adept can travel with the raven and probably many other familiars, but I won't bore you with many of the personal experiences of my life that make this likely. David Icke is an author of many books including the truth shall set you free. After exposing some things about the 'illuminized' Skull & Bones people like the Bush Presidents and other top Yalies, he was stupid enough (or should I say naïve) to report that he saw things like shape-shifting and describes the 'Obscene Ritual'. I do not know for sure that the Rosicrucian and other Dragons can shape shift. I do know I challenged one of the Elders in charge of many feeder covens for them, from Wicca. He was a gifted Dragon and other Dragons said so. I told him I would stand inside the pentagram or magic circle at his leisure and even if the Dragons appeared before me I would show 'No Fear'; because I was sure they would only be projections and mind-fogging. He chose another method of psychic warfare. He and his gay boyfriend, who had designs on me and my leather pants, were burned out of house and home, as I reversed the energy they sent with bad intent. The 'Obscene Ritual' is something I can prove is true from the words of Dragons in books like Genesis of the Grail Kings.

This quote also mentions Columcille who was the recipient of re-structured and watered down Druidic knowledge. He became immersed and adept enough in this knowledge to beat a pagan Druid of Scotland in the art of wind and rain management. That so-called Druid was a denizen of the forests living away from those who Rome might pay for delivering them his head. Columcille as Columba was the arch-Druid who protected bards he had learned these arts from; that was in 574-5 AD at the Synod or Council of Drumceatt, as the Dark Ages were about to become darker when the next century saw the Synod of Whitby formalize the seizure of Celtic Christian assets at this deal between Rome and a Northumbrian king/murderer. Later he was made a Saint of the Christian Church that was saying 'Jesus is the new Druid'. Of course they were the interpreters for Jesus and it served them well to usurp his good name.

"Iona is known in Gaelic as Hi, Y or I, and has also been called the Isle of Dreams or Isle of Druids. It is made up of the oldest exposed rock strata of the earth, and it is obviously one of the ancient sacred centres. The name has been likened to the temple 'Ei' of the Greek Apollo, {The Greek Islands had a Monastery of Iona even after the Muslims took Jerusalem.} 'An' or the Self-Existing-One of the Egyptians and 'Yah', the 'I am that I am' of the Hebrews. The sacred cranes of Apollo, the heralds of spring, were certainly special to Columcille. He had a young monk stand on the shore waiting for the first exhausted bird to arrive, and he promised dire {'Dire' was the term for specified fines or amounts in cumals from the Senchus Mor in time before St. Patrick personally burned 150 hand drawn books; and then we have some glosses showing how he or others re-worked edited and censored these ancient canae.} penalties if the youth did not take special care before sending it off. The story of the saint copying out a famous manuscript, while the crane pecked out the eye of the king's son who was peeping through a hole in the door at the light inside, is a curious intermingling with the crane legend of Thoth or Hermes, or with that of Manannán Mac Lir, whose bag, in which he carries the treasures of the world, is made from the skin of a crane. Three of these sacred birds guarded Manannán's home, the Isle of Man, croaking out to passing travelers: 'Do not enter/Keep away/Pass by.' The accounts of Columcille's encounters with the Pictish Druids and the monster of the loch, of bringing young men back to life, and other associations with Mercury {Alchemy or Cathar Occamy and the language thereof = Langue d'Oc.} as healer, are unsatisfying and inconclusive in many ways.

The only occasion when Columcille is said to have returned to Ireland was for the Synod of Drumceatt, held in AD 574, to defend the bards who were about to be expelled as trouble-makers. He spoke on behalf of twelve hundred of them, which suggests that he was the chief Druid..." (3)

Imagine that! SAINT Columba, the venerated Church leader is a Druid! Just as Thomas Paine says Masonry is derived from the Druids. He was a member of the top Rosicrucian American Council of Three along with Ben Franklin. Thus we have Iona to Templar/Sion to Alumbrados/Illuminati and thence the Round Table/Bilderbergs or some new name they are using. And Iona is the likely place for many Hibernians as well as having taught other Orders in the Church such as Cistercians and Basilians. THEY claim roots back to Thoth/Hermes and Pythagoras and I agree there is a certain amount of knowledge and power that can be traced in these esoteric circles and clubs. However, I do not accept the statements they make about themselves at face value. They are very much different than they would like people to think just because they support kids who suffer burns, or orphans in the De Molay (Last leader of the Templars who was slow-roasted by the King of France.) Society. Rather than discussing Neolithic maybe we are talking about a Monolithic hierarchy of deceivers who make our lives serve their history or should I say, on behalf of women, 'his'-story.

A friend of mine has recently commented on some information I gave regarding the Patriot Act and certain draftees of it who prepared it before the 'terrorist' attacks on the World Trade Center. He asked 'Have we hit the snooze button too many times?'

When Columbus came to the Americas the first time, with his ship stores or holds full of trinkets he had a person who spoke no Asiatic language as his interpreter. His interpreter spoke a Phoenician language called Hebrew. We have been told he wanted to make a shorter route to China to meet the Khan and trade could thus be established and yet they were already trading with China and had never stopped doing so. They knew the Chinese had no use for these trinkets. He actually was interested in meeting a 'Can' or 'Chan' of the ancient Chanes who boarded their skull to look like serpents that their name is derived from. Here is a travel site with a little reference to the Chan of that era in a place I am well familiar with.

"Chichen Itza is the most visited archeological site, due to its extraordinary architectural beauty and its geographical location. It was founded in 1514 by the priest Lakin Chan who was also called Itzamna. This is why the people were called Chanes or Itzaes. You'll spend time in a place where time has stood still." (4)

It would also appear they may have been part of the Poverty Point group which reported to or was part of the site near Cuba that was at the mouth of the Mississippi before the Carolina Bays Meteor struck Bimini and the US Eastern seaboard. I will have to continue study and research to see if the Texas culture that produced the stone heads dated to around 30,000 years ago are in some way connected. Here is a little interesting comment I saw as I tried to find anything on the web about them. I find it is also a Hebrew word and Jewish last name of a scholar named Jerome. Roy Decker writes about Bimini being well known to the Carthaginians (5) and it seems Tarshish or Tartessus had once been the primary overlord or trader to this once great culture. But that is likely long after much of it had been destroyed by the Carolina Bays Meteor.

"The area known as Kimble County {In Texas} was inhabited by Jumano and Apache Indians when Spanish explorers traveled here in the 17th and 18th centuries. The Comanche tribes were living here by the mid-nineteenth century. One of the earliest tribes was the Chanes, who later evolved into the Tonkawas." (6)

It is well known that Central American practices and artifacts are in Poverty Point. This includes people boarding heads too. We must take another look into why they believed this would make them more spiritual and alien to other earth people. But it may be impossible to ever know for certain if they were a homogenous racial group rather than the elite of the Atlantean/Mu Brotherhood which included many races. This is my personal inclination. Chichen Itza by the very name suggests this. The word 'chi' or mouth in the native language is derived or the same as that which we know from Eastern thought meaning or having to do with 'breath'. 'Chen' means 'well' and that could indicate to know how to breathe as the Buddhists who came there and the concept Maya therefrom (actually from the originators of Buddhism in the Tarim Basin who moved to Barabudur, Indonesia and many other places they were already important parts of for a long time). I dealt with this from the work of Professor James Scherz and others in my book The Prehistoric Worldwide Import of the Great Lakes.

But it occurs to me that the Tarim Basin Red-Heads whose mummies delivered from their desert resting place show a great deal; would have valued the 'well' a great deal and I know it became a central spiritual focal point for the Druids and Kelts of many other places. The original builders of Chichen Itza are now thought to be a jaguar cult associated with Kukulcan. Here is another travel type of site with a little description of the pyramid itself. It is true that the current pyramid is built over top of the original pyramid and you can see down to the original from the little room or altar place at the top. The most important thing in this quote is about the serpent which appears at important astrological events. No one can say if that was true when the original pyramid was built. This serpent motif is also found in the tomb of the Prince of Palenque who was a white man and Dragon of the Rosicrucian or vampire god Zotz which I will eschew covering again in this book.

"The Pyramid of Kukulcan (also known as The Castle) where both theology and astronomy, combine to produce a unique spectacle twice a year, the Spring Equinox and the Autumn Solstice, days when the shadows projected over the architectonic elements of the building resemble a serpent descending to the ground. Inside the pyramid are located the famous Chac Mool sculpture and the Jaguar Throne." (7)

There is also a probable connection of Eastern thought in the name 'serpent' therefrom which is 'Naga'. You will hear Masons talk about Naga too. But the Toltec 'Nagual' or sorcerer of Mexico like Don Juan is almost certainly a root of the knowledge we will have to understand as we approach the most important 'blessing' or curse of my life. Here are a few words from an interesting source for you to contemplate these words and how the Dragons get around.

"The word Naga is rooted in Sanskrit and means "Serpent". In the East Indian pantheon it is connected with the Serpent Spirit and the Dragon Spirit. It has an equivalency to the Burmese Nats, or god-serpents. In the Esoteric Tradition it is synonymous for Adepts, or Initiates. In India and Egypt, and even in Central and South America, the Naga stands for one who is wise.

Nagarjuna of India, for example, is shown with an aura, or halo, of seven serpents which is an indication of a very high degree of Initiation. The symbolism of the seven serpents, usually cobras, are also on Masonic aprons of certain systems in the Buddhistic ruins of Cambodia (Ankhor) and Ceylon. The great temple-builders of the famous Ankhor Wat were considered to be the semi-divine Khmers. The avenue leading to the Temple is lined with the seven-headed Naga. And even in Mexico, we find the "Naga" which becomes "Nagal." In China, the Naga is given the form of the Dragon and has a direct association with the Emperor and is known as the "Son of Heaven"...while in Egypt the same association is termed "King-Initiate". The Chinese are even said to have originated with the Serpent demi-gods and even to speak their language, Naga-Krita. For a place that has no serpents, Tibet, they are still known in a symbolic sense and are called "Lu!" (Naga). Nagarjuna called in Tibetan, Lu-trub.

In the Western traditions we find the same ubiquity for the Naga, or Serpent. One simple example is the Ancient Greek Goddess, Athena. She is known as a warrior Goddess as well as the Goddess of Wisdom; her symbol being the Serpent as displayed on her personal shield. Of course, in Genesis the Serpent is a Naga who instructs the new infant (humanity) in what is called the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Christian church has, unfortunately transformed the Initiate-Teacher into a tempting and negative demon-character. An apocryphal tradition says that Apollonius of Tyana, {Thought to be the person and alchemist upon whom Jesus and his myth is based, by some who have written whole books on the subject. I prefer the amalgam of legend approach to Jesus or Yeshua.} while on a visit to India, was taught by the "Nagas" of Kashmir. (See The Life of Apollonius, by Philostratos.) It is felt by many scholars of the Western Tradition that the life of Apollonius was taken from the New Testament, or that the narratives of the New Testament have been taken from the life of Apollonius. This is felt because of the undisputed and clear similarities of construction for that particular narrative.

Naga is one of a handful of rare words surviving the loss of the first universal language. In Buddhism, Wisdom has always been ties, symbolically, to the figure of the Serpent. In the Western Tradition it can be found as used by the Christ in the Gospel of Saint Matthew (x.16), "Be ye therefore as serpents, and harmless as doves." (8)

The dove symbol associated with Jesus and the Cathars or the likes of Columbus who sought to be called by that name--'colon' is dove--has a lot of meaning as well.

If you are interested in what is in charge of your life and the world - please look into my books at

Monday, 26 July 2010

Sure Bet - Organize Clutter With 14 Uncomplicated Tips

Greek mythology is fascinating and the story of Pandora's box is a spell binding myth.

Prometheus was a Titan who was a champion of human-kind and was known for his wily intelligence. He stole the secret of fire from the God Zeus and gave it to mortals. But the theft of fire angered Zeus and as one of his punishments he ordered Hephaestus to create the first woman, Pandora, as part of the punishment of mankind. (Now that doesn't seem quite fair that he considered this a punishment does it?)

Prometheus warned his brother not to accept any gifts from Zeus but he didn't listen and he married Pandora. Pandora had been given a large jar (which we now call a box) and was instructed never to open it. Along with this beautiful box Pandora was also given the gift of curiosity.

One day she decided she would take a peek inside and open the box, not out of malice but because curiosity got the best of her. When she did open the lid to see what was inside all of the evils, ills, sicknesses and burdensome labor that mankind had not know before escaped from the jar. She closed the jar immediately after opening it but it was too late as everything had been unleashed on mankind except at the very bottom of her jar there lay hope.

As you survey the rooms in your home do you feel a Pandora's box has been opened and the box released clutter, disorganization, an overwhelming mess, and disruption to your daily life?

But remember in Pandora's box there was also hope. No matter how awful you feel your home is in terms of clutter there is always hope that you can clear the clutter. Organizing clutter just got easier by trying these few simple tips:

1. Evaluate what your home currently looks and feels like to you. Write these observations and feelings down in a notebook.

2. Take a look at how you are using your space.

· Premium space is "right in your face" and is the easiest and most convenient to use.
· Secondary space is for things used about once a week such as table linens.
· Semi-Storage is items used once a year such as holiday decorations.
· Hard-Core Storage is for items that only need to be opened every few years. These could be memorabilia you have inherited and are passing down to other generations or items you are storing for your adult children who have moved out of your home.

3. After you have identified your organizing needs, set goals of what you want your room to look and feel like. Write these down in your notebook.

4. Take action and start organizing the clutter by selecting one room to start in.

5. It doesn't matter where you start. Choose a place and start organizing from the inside out (closets, cupboards, drawers etc.).

6. Does everything have a home? If not, to organize clutter you need to make a home for everything you have.

7. Make it easy for you to find everything. If you waste a lot of time looking for things maybe it is time to get rid of some things.

8. While organizing clutter make it look and feel orderly.

9. Keep only the things you use or that lights you up and makes you feel good to have around you.

11. Organize the space so it helps you make the best use of your time.

12. As you organize clutter decide a target date to reach your goal.

13. Start by taking baby steps, Rome wasn't built in a day and everything and every room doesn't have to be done in one hour, a day, or in a week.

14. Set a timer and work until it rings. Just by knowing you have a set time limit can make a difference mentally and physically.

Organizing clutter can be smooth sailing by evaluating, setting goals, starting slow and using a streamlined approach.

Marilyn is a published author and professional organizer. She invites you to visit her website She works with women and seniors in clearing clutter in their lives. She is a sought after public speaker and passionate about organizing. Her book Go Organize! Conquer clutter in three simple steps is now in all major book stores.

Marilyn is a published author and professional organizer. She invites you to visit her awesome website for easy organizing. She is a sought after public speaker who is passionate about teaching women and seniors how to organize their life and reduce clutter in their homes and office.

You can buy her new book 'Go Organize! Conquer clutter in three simple steps' that is now in all major bookstores, amazon and marilyn's website.

Saturday, 24 July 2010

List of Greek Gods Goddesses


The god of wine and the grapevine predates the Greeks with an origin covering Thrace, Asia Minor, Syria, and even as far as Egypt. Firstly an agricultural god, this "deity of Mt. Nysa" was an early supreme being whose wild and riotous worship was famous all over the eastern sphere of the Mediterranean, the most notable form was the Thracian.


Orignally a Thracian and Trojan deity whose power and authority surpassed that of Zeus. Apollo stood for a multitude of classifications as: the god of prophecy; the beneficial god and protector from evil; the god of punishment and vengeance; the god of song and music; the god of flocks and cattle; the god of politics; the god of the Sun; and the god of the nether world.

Artemis (Diana)

The Greek goddess of the hunt hailed from the warlike regions of Asia Minor and in different versions depending on the locality she was worshipped. There was an Ephesian Artemis, the one identified in the Bible to Diana; a Taurian that received strangers thrown on the coast of Tauris as sacrifice; an Arcadian that hunted in the mountains with her nymphs; and the Trojan, as Apollo's twin sister.

Zeus (Jupiter)

The Greek father of gods and men was originally not Greek but a Cretan import. According to legend, he was said to have been raced away to Crete as an infant by his mother Rhea to escape being devoured by his father Cronos. Since his pre-Hellenic times, bulls and goats were offered to him in sacrifice.


Like Zeus, she was a Minoan import. Later "Mother Goddess" cults entering Greece from Asia Minor, including one named Cybel, became identified with Rhean worship. In Greek mythology, she fled to Crete to give birth to Zeus for fear of the child being devoured by Cronos. Upon returning, to appease her hungry husband, she gave to him a stone inconspicuously wrapped up like the infant Zeus.


The second most powerful Greek god, ruler of the waters and earthquakes, was also not Greek. He was a principal Trojan deity who was said to have built the impregnable walls of Troy. The horses that naturally inhabited Troy gained him the Grecian impression as the god of horses.


Her worship came from that of the Phoenician sea goddess Astarte, known in the Bible as Ashtoreth. She was the wife of Ares, another alien god, with whom she bore the Amazons.


One of the most hated of the Greeks, Ares was a Thracian import. And like most Thracian import, he was savage and sanguinary: a character inherited by his descendants, the Amazons.


He is the only pre-Hellenic deity that received human sacrifices. In analogy to his name, he was known to eat his own children: a characteristic of time that destroys whatever it has created. He was deposed by Zeus, prompting him to flee to Italy as Saturn where he begins an agricultural golden age.

Please click these links if you want to know more about list of Greek gods goddesses or list of Egyptian gods in general.

Friday, 23 July 2010

Loyal to Homer - Overlooked Sword and Sandal Film, The Fury Of Achilles


Opening: FADE IN:

The image of a bust Homer calls the muses to give him inspiration to tell the story. The nine muses are the daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus, ruler of the gods. "O heavenly goddess, tell me of the many woes brought upon the Greeks by the wrath (anger) of Achilles."

CUE ANNOUNCER: A narrator tells us that THE ILIAD of Homer begins outside the walls of Troy. "For ten long years, the Greek army has vainly besieged the city, and if the Trojans have suffered under this relentless assault, the Greeks too feel the hardships of war. Exhausted by many battles and short of supplies, the Greeks are camped on the coast where they live by ravaging the countryside. All the towns along the coast have been sacked, and now the Greeks are forced to look farther afield for plunder [A map shows that we are inland, away from the coast]. The expedition is marching against the city of Lynessos. It is led by Agamemnon, son of Atreus, King of Mycenaean Corinth, commander of all the Greek armies. With him is Ulysses [Odysseus] of Ithaka, wisest and most cunning of all Greek warriors.

"But stronger than all others is Achilles, King of Phthia, son of Peleus and Thetis [a minor goddess]. This famous hero has been made invulnerable by divine will. With Achilles is Patroclus, his best friend; they have fought together in a hundred battles. Before such an array of force [sic], the city of Lynessos is doomed."

Thus begins a film that is surprisingly faithful to Homer's original THE ILIAD, much more so than bigger-budgeted films such as TROY and the 1956 HELEN OF TROY, directed by Robert Wise and featuring a stellar British cast.

Writing negative reviews of these low-budget, sword-and-sandal, Italian- made pec-taculars is like shooting fish in a barrel. Unfortunately, there is much to criticize: poorly dubbed dialogue, scratchy prints, washed out colors, ludicrous battle scenes, and plots that little to do with anything historical or mythological. These films still have their fans, and I don't mean only teachers of mythology and world literature like myself, but there are not enough of them to make something like a Trekkie fan convention profitable. They merely exist as remnants of a time -- late 1950s and early 1960s -- when these imports were flooding the drive-in and second-feature market.

Then along comes a little film like THE FURY OF ACHILLES which remains true to Homer's epic poem -- including attempts at reproducing the inflated poetic language, stilted though it is as presented by wooden actors. Only the much-longer, made-for-TV version of HELEN OF TROY tries to be as faithful to Homer, but this latter effort -- made cartoonish by the heavy handed use of CGI -- crashes like a computer.

The army gathers, waiting until Agamemnon gives the order to attack. The battle cry of Achilles is "Phthia," echoed by his troops. But this Achilles is not a pretty boy like Brad Pitt; he is an ugly but muscular actor named Gordon Mitchell who looks as though he could bench press Volkswagens. Despite his horrible acting, or the inept dubbing of his voice, he has the presence to suggest an Olympian-type hero. He looks as though he could knock down a hoard of men, unlike Brad Pitt at the beginning of TROY who leaps into the air in slow-motion and plunges his sword down through the body of a giant pillar of a warrior who obliges him by standing still long enough to be slain.

The next morning, after the capture of Lynessos, Patroclus and Achilles are oogling the women, particularly Zania [a blonde with the heavy eye make-up] and Briseis. Achilles says: "That pretty little girl in the yellow dress [Briseis] already knows I'm thinking of her. When my turn comes, I'll choose her."

When Patroclus says he wants her companion, Achilles says: "Unfortunately, Agamemon has first choice. But we don't have to worry about Ulysses. Who do you think that gold brazier will go to, for example?"

Patroclus: "His wife needn't worry as long as there's gold. He'll be faithful to her." What gold has to do with his being faithful to his wife, Penelope, is not made clear to me, nor is Achilles' next statement: "And to Hermes, the god of thieves. But his greed does not displease me." Patroclus says that he sees what he means; I'm glad that Patroclus understands because but I don't.

The dialogue is like this throughout the film, particularly when Agamemnon starts spouting his lines, or when Hector, sometimes accompanied by soulful music, is speaking to the Trojans. "Agamemnon, Ulysses, Achilles and Patroclus are away on an expedition. What are we waiting for? Without these leaders, the Greeks on the coast are completely lacking in authority, cunning, and strength."

Hector knows that he "shall die by the hand of Achilles. . . according to the oracle." Paris, whose abduction of Helen caused the entire mess, tries to say something but is cut off by the king. "If I fear the king of Phthia, the invulnerable, it is only because my services are useful to my country. On the day of victory, Achilles can drive his lance through my body and throw me to the dogs, as he promised."

This is what I mean by the poetic language. Unfortunately, we don't see Cassandra or Hecuba in this film, but neither do they appear in the mega-hit TROY.

Priam: "At last, you all know what the oracle said. [Apollo's Oracle of Delphi, which, of course, predicts the future.] It's true, and it is terrible for me as a father." And not too cheerful for Hector either.

Later Briseis discovers that Achilles' hide is magical when she tries to stab him with a dagger. She approaches him from the back as the music swells to indicate suspense. She stabs him in the back, but the dagger blade melts when it contacts his body. Sparks fly out. He is invulnerable except for one spot, but even he does not know where it is.

Achilles is enraged: "Hector flees me. And a female from Lynessos dares so much?? What do you want me to do with you, break you in like a wild mare? Throw you into the arms of my warriors?"

The melting dagger is a good touch, as is a later scene when Minera materializes to stop him from killing the arrogant and rude Agamemnon. These scenes keep us in touch with the gods that are a necessary and important aspect of Homer's epic poem. Achilles tells Briseis that he is not invulnerable or immortal.

In one of the longer speeches in the film, he tells her: "Even you could have killed me. The vagrant gods protect all of me . . . except one spot. A fighting machine. . .created to destroy. . . and that also can be destroyed. . . when and where they [the gods] wish. As I said, you could have killed me. It is not necessary to be a hero. A child could have killed me. . . providing he struck me in the right spot. I do not know where they fatal point is, but I know that I will not return alive from Troy. This the Oracle said before I left Greece - that Troy will only fall after the death of Hector - that Hector must be killed by Achilles, but that I Achilles will die after the death of Hector. Immediately after. Thus spoke the Oracle, Briseis. The other warriors have hopes of defending themselves against death. . . and surviving. . . to return home. But not I. Thus I ask of the wine as I ask of your beauty: the illusion of being a man like all the others. But when I drink too much wine, I behave like an animal. And you repulsed me, denying me the gift that out of pity you would give to the least of my warriors."

Apollo, unlike Achilles' mother and Minerva, is never seen, but we do hear his echoing voice and see his powerful touch. Chryses is given his chance to deliver a powerful speech. With science-fiction music (a theramin) on the soundtrack to indicate that supernatural events are taking place. He says: "Divine, Apollo, god of the Silver Bow, your priest has nothing more to ask of you. It is right that you abandon one not able to defend your sacred altar. But Apollo, as a father, I implore your assistance, father who must lament the unjust fate of his daughter, she who also, 0 god, offered you her many prayers and sacrifices and spirit of purest love. [Thunder on the soundtrack] Apollo. Apollo. Chryseis is at the mercy of a pitiless enemy. Her youthful gentleness and her beauty - her very honor - is consecrated to you, has now become the pleasing of the Greeks as fate desires. Apollo, protect my daughter. I beg you to hear the words of Chryses, your priest, and save my poor child."

Apollo's voice echoes as if in an empty room to suggest his divine nature. He tells him to go to the camp of the Greeks and lay wealth before King Agamemnon. When Chryses asks what wealth can he offer him, a lightning bolt splits open the altar stone. A vast treasure is revealed within it. Chryses examines the abundant wealth. Then, with the theramin music again in the background, a white chariot drawn by white horses materializes in the temple - a divine gift.

Throughout this film we find these minor gems of moments that one rarely finds in this genre. It a compact version of Homer, yes, but it delivers the basics of the story. For students studying mythology and world literature, it is a good introduction. It is not overly graphic like TROY and is suitable for younger aged students. Even the inevitable, climactic man-to-man duel between Achilles and Hector is shown with its tragic as well as heroic aspects.

Despite the flaws in this DVD version -- and maybe a clearer one doesn't exist because no good negative remains -- I highly recommend it as an introduction to Greek mythology. The director wisely decided not to rewrite the ending of the story with Agamemnon and Menelaus being killed and Paris surviving to escape with Helen.

If I had the time in class, I would show this film and the 1956 version of HELEN OF TROY or THE TROJAN HORSE. Given only one choice, however, I would be tempted to lean toward this THE FURY OF ACHILLES. Check it out yourselves, mythology scholars and teachers, and see what you think.

The Italian film THE TROJAN HORSE with Steve Reeves as Aeneas and John Drew Barrymore chewing up the scenery as Ulysses begins almost where this one ends. THE FURY OF ACHILLES, like Homer's THE ILIAD, ends before the Trojan horse appears. It might not be as well-made as HELEN OF TROY, but it might make an interesting follow-up. Expose your students to the original story, which is, in itself, a Greek tragedy.

And this is what the Greeks liked.

Charles J. Garard is a PhD in literature and film now living in Ningbo, China, where he teaches literature and writing at the Ningbo Institute of Technology. He writes about films and mythology (such as his recent article about creatures in Indonesia published in a paranormal magazine) and works on his novels about time-travel, vampires, and mainstream topics.

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Energy Enhancement Meditation and the Hercules Labour of the Augean Stables

The Twelve Labours Of Hercules Or Heracles Symbolises That Which Is Neccessary On The Path Of Enlightenment

This technique of Energy Circulation and Grounding is referred to in the 12 Labours of Hercules. Ancient teachings taught now in many different cultures, here in the form of a mythical story, thousands of years old, which enable "The Son (Hercules) of God (Zeus or Deus)" to get married to the daughter of the king of the underworld. To integrate the Crown Chakra with the Base Chakra or how to become enlightened.

All ancient myths refer to hidden levels of meditation.

Throughout history, simple stories and symbols containing many levels of psychological meaning have usually not been destroyed by the prevalent Religion as have been the competing religions temples and texts. In particular The Herculean Labour of the cleaning of the Augean stables refers to the cleaning of the Base Chakra with a River of Energy.

The Fifth labour of Hercules.

In the past, psychologists have only worked on one painful experience at a time by providing a meaningful theory by Freud or Jung and then examining the problem. Through understanding the problem, it is released and the client adjusted back into society in his proper place. He may still be neurotic because only one problem has been solved.

The same with ancient lives. We may travel back to, see and fix one life problem in one of our past lives, but what about the other thousands of life-times, each with their own traumas, deaths and problems.

This ancient meditation available in many cultures all over the world, teaches how to remove all of the traumas, deaths and problems as simple negative energy. You do not have to see the problems. They are simply grounded as Negative energy. Learn how to simply, "Ground the last dregs of your VITRIOL!"

There is an ancient Greek myth about Hercules, (a Son of God, Zeus or Deus), wanting to marry Persephone the Daughter of the King of the underworld. The Crown Chakra wanting to combine with the Base Chakra. Shiva combining with Shakti. A Human Being becoming Enlightened.

He needed to ask her father's permission. When he did, her father was pleased to marry his daughter to the son of Zeus, but first he must perform 12 tasks. The 12 labours of Hercules.

The fifth task was to clean out the Kings stables - The Augean stables. Hercules said, "No Problem," but when he saw the stables, he realised what a mountainous task he had taken on. There were thousands of horses and they had been creating manure for hundreds of years. Just like we, ourselves, create and absorb pain and Karma over thousands of lifetimes.

At first, he tried to dig the manure, examining every turd. Just like the psychologists and past life therapists of today. But after one month he had got nowhere. He had only cleared a small hole in a mountain of shit.

After much thought, he then projected to change the course of the river Styx, the river we cross when we die, through the stables. When he did this, the stables were quickly cleaned as the river washed all the manure away.

Deep Rivers of Energy lie hidden deep within us. As we learn to access and then to use them. So, All our History. All our pain can be dissipated and washed away

This story teaches basic methods whereby the mountains of manure within us can be removed, painlessly, without examining every turd.

The whole mountain can gradually be moved and our History painting which has been painted brushful by brushful, day by day, can be returned to the clean white sheet we were when we were born.

We are full of a lot of "History" not only from this life, but also from previous lives. Our ancient guided meditations can truly remove this Personal History so that all painful memories can be dissipated and our energies can then start to flow in their natural courses, once again.

And It's A Painless Process Because these Ancient and Successful meditations work at The Level Of Energy.

It is not enough to pick up one piece of shit and examine it and say "Ah yes, this was the pain I absorbed when my father died. Or in that lifetime when I continued on such a stupid path."

We need to be able to transmute it all!

Also the Labour of Hercules involving the Hydra. As Hercules chopped off one head with his sword another 2 grew back in its place. The Hydra symbolises the mind. Its heads the many negative thoughts we have which need to be dissipated.

The Dragon/Hydra always Symbolises Kundalini Energy.

The method of Energy Circulation is an ancient and hidden technique preserved in Taoism and Hindu Kundalini Kriyas.

It is the most gentle and effective tool for all those who want to increase their energy, their evolution, their genius.

The same energy circulation meditation... "With This Technique, Your Evolution Will Increase With Every Energy Revolution To Create A Revolution In Your Evolution." - Paramahamsa Yogananda On The Kriyas Of Kundalini of India, of Kriya Yoga, of Babaji, the 2000 years old sage in the Himalayas, of Sri Yukteswar and Lahira Mahasaya.

The same energy circulation meditation... The Alchemical Meditations of Hermes Trismegistus from the Emerald tablet or from the Sufi Dun Nun, the Egyptian, he who took, "The Path of Blame" symbolized by the Sufi Naqsbandi Fountain at the Alhambra at Granada in Spain.

The same meditation... The Five Elemental Paths of the Ki of Chinese Alchemical Taoism symbolized by the Yin Yang Symbol.

Ancient and Effective Techniques of Meditation include for the Gaining of More Energy - Meditation, Shaktipat, Energy Circulation, The Kundalini Kriyas, The Five Elemental Paths Of The Chi Of Chinese Alchemical Taoism, The Grounding Of Negative Energies, V.I.T.R.I.O.L and The Art Card Of The Thoth Tarot, Access To Kundalini Energy, Strong Psychic Protection, The Merkaba, Pyramid Protection, Power Tower Protection, the Creation of the Antahkarana, Soul Fusion, Monadic Infusion, Logos Infusion for the Painless Removal Of Stress, Trauma And Negative Emotion.

Director Satchidanand, is one of the leading teachers of Meditation.

He helps people worldwide reach further than they EVER thought possible, FASTER!!!

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Five Ways To Learn New Skills Quickly

It's essential to learn new skills quickly in today's information economy. Today, you are what you know. If you want to progress forwards in life, you need to learn new skills.

But most adults resent learning. When was the last time you learnt something significant in your life? Like a new language? New software? When did you last learn to play a musical instrument? A new sport? Most people don't learn because they fear it's difficult.

Is that you?

Learning needn't be that way. Here are five strategies that will help you pick up a new topic faster than ever before.

1. Repetition

Repeat something new over and over and you'll develop 'muscle memory' that will help you memorize a new subject. Whether is a particular set of words or phrases in a foreign language, or cooking a recipe, the secret is to repeat the task over and over several times until it's stuck in your memory.

I recently needed to learn a new programming language for a project I was involved with. The fastest way for me to learn the new language, was to sit down at my computer at the start of the weekend and, write lots of new software, over and over. I spent the whole weekend working in the new language, writing the same software many times. By the end of the weekend, I was confidently fluent in the new language.

3. Listen to music

Playing music in the background is a great way to concentrate on learning. Find songs that boost your mood and help you focus. Mozart is supposed to temporarily increase your intelligence when you're listening to it. Brian Eno's Music for Airports is another popular album.

4. Association

Associating new subjects with ones you know is a great way of learning. The most popular application is the use of mnemonics. Find a word or phrase and associate each letter (or initial letter of that word) with the topic you're learning.

For example, the first letters of Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vein spells out the colors of the rainbow in order: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.

Google 'mnemonics' and you'll find plenty of websites listing mnemonics for a huge range of subjects.

5. Think in pictures

Everyone's mind works in pictures. It's much easier to remember something when you visualize it, rather than trying to remember an abstract word or concept. For example, what is the color of your front door? I bet you had to recall a picture of your front door before you could answer the question. Memorize concepts in pictures and you'll be able to recall them much faster. The more unusual the image, the easier it is to remember.

Here's how. The Spanish word for hair is Pelo, pronounced "pay-lo". It sounds like the English word Halo. So to memorize that Spanish, I think of a bald man with a glowing, hairy halo floating above his head!

I don't speak Spanish. I learnt that particular example about five years ago and have never forgotten it since!

6. Watch video tutorials

It's easy to learn from other people, and one of the best ways to do this is by finding how to videos and tutorials. Learning a new piece of software becomes a piece of cake when you can sit in front of your computer, be talked through the process, see exactly what's on their screen as they talk, and then repeat the actions yourself.

You can do the same for playing a musical instrument, learning a foreign language, drawing, making things, learn new concepts, and more. Have a search around, you'll find hundreds of examples online.

Learn something new every day. features the best how to videos from around the web [] Visit the site today and browse the archives to find plenty of informative how to videos and tutorials to interest you.

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Mytheon MMO Beta

Lore is the driving force of many an MMO, from Aion and Guild Wars to LotRO and WoW. You might know everything there is to know about the Dragonflights of Azeroth or the Empyrean Lords of Atreia but what do you know about the mythologies that have inspired fantasy MMOs? Probably not a lot but the real world has plenty of ancient cultures to draw upon, and this is where Mytheon - the new freemium MMO published by Petroglyph - comes in.

Rather than set their game on an alien planet or a in a realm filled with faeries and sprites, Mytheon is grounded in ancient Earth and the rich lore found in ancient religions. But there's a twist, as in this version of Earth, the gods are not just abstract deities watching from on high, oh no. in the world of Mytheon, the gods are very active and meddling happily in the lives of puny mortals. And they meddle a lot. Fortunately there is a power in the universe to which even the gods must bow, and that's the three sisters known as the Fates.

The Fates have decided the time of the gods is ending and it's now the turn of mortals to take the spotlight. As a result, you take the role of a hero who is armed with conventional weapons and magic but also something more mystical. Each of the classes - of which three have been revealed - have been given magical Power Stones by the Fates which allow them to unleash spells, heal their friends or summon the denizens of myth. These stones were created from a mystical ore which also serves as the game's title, and there are many to collect.

The three classes in the game - the Warcasters, the Elementalists and the Eidolon - are very different. The first are humanity's champions (and an obvious Warrior archetype) in the end-game against the gods, while Mytheon's incarnation of the Mage class are able to create devastating spells but their magical ability is soon spent. Finally there are the Paladin-like Eidolon who once lived in harmony with their deities, Isis and Horus, who now side with Humanity in the war.

Unlike most MMOs, where you play in first- or third-person, Mytheon takes a different stance. Namely looking down from on high - the god's eye view as it where. While this does divorce you from your avatar, it makes the game a little more interesting and gives an original perspective on the in-game world, which at the moment focuses on Ancient Greece.

The world of Mytheon is rich but also based on ancient cultures and their monsters. As a result, the game world mixes all those fascinating cultures we learned about at school with the monsters Hollywood just loves to create - 2010 is all ready turning out to be the Year of Greek Mythology, what with Clash of the Titans and Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. Harpies and Minotaurs roam the land, and even Poseidon himself has been known to rise from the ocean to smite the unwary hero.

When the game launches, Greece is very much the focus but later expansions will go beyond the Classical World and the rich lands of Egypt, heading towards Eastern lands. For now, Mytheon promises the chance to fight Centaurs and gids, spy Naiads and demi-gods, and also the terrifying Echidna. The magical Mytheon Stones allow for diversity in characters while also appealing to our innate desire to collect things. The Stones allow for spells - some of which are class specific - and magical skills. You can summon allies, and if you wanted your own Pegasus, well get the right stone and now you can have one.

For a freemium title, Mytheon looks gorgeous and has a very different slant from most MMOs. The use of ancient lands rich in myth and monsters feels a lot more familiar than some alien planet. Indeed, there's aspects of the game's lore which will be familiar to everyone and this is accentuated by the Diablo II-esque perspective, which lets you be a part of the action but also allows you to see enraged monsters as they charge up to you. We're eagerly awaiting its release later this year, because after all, how often do you get to take on gods and monsters in the same game?

by Prime
Visit for more game reviews and previews.

Monday, 19 July 2010

How Zeus Came to Power - Greek Mythology

Metis the Goddess of wisdom was pregnant with Athene. Because Zeus felt that Athene would be so wise he felt it would be a threat to his power. He felt that Athena would be stronger than even his bolts. In order to prevent this from happening he tricked Metis and swallowed her whole. However, Metis was still able to conceive Athene and gods gave her birth through the way of his head. This is very important because it symbolically represents the birth of many great things in Greek thought and culture. Athena was a goddess of wisdom, war, and defender of heroes and justice. All the aspects combined create a unique and complex civilization.

There used to be a popular cartoon that would come on television that, Hercules. The cartoon was a series based off of the Disney movie which was the cartoon version of the Greek tale. In this cartoon Hercules had amazing adventures battling Gods and Creatures.

Unsurprisingly the Disney version changes the Greek story, so that Hercules main enemy is Hades (the god of the underworld). Although Disney did a horrible job of telling the story of Hercules, they were able to expose many people to Greek mythology.

I recognize Zeus from the cartoon, he was the most powerful God and he was the father of Hercules. In the cartoon Zeus is portrayed as a humble, loving, and kind father. Some of the other names I recognized were: Athene, Apollo, Artemis, Posedion, and Hera.

In order to rise to power Zeus had to first overthrow the ruler Cronos and the Titans. How he did this was with a clever strategy and with his might. What he did was gather a team of Gods to join his side. Then he made friends with the Cyclopes and other creatures. The combination of the Gods and boulders hurled from the powerful creatures was what led to Zeus becoming the ruler of the Gods. The war was ended with one last bolt that was driven by all of Zeus's fury and might.

The way Zeus came to power was similar to the way humans do things. There was a higher power in which no force at the time could stop. Zeus wanted to take them down and bring himself to the top. His method of doing so was gathering large forces because there is strength in numbers. It was simply a game of politics.

If Cronos had befriended the other Gods before Zeus had a chance to, Zeus would not have been able to fight him. The way the war is described is even similar to that of a war between human forces. Weapons were being hurled back and forth and it was very loud. In order for Zeus to become victorious he had to give every last bit of energy into the fight.
Another important factor was the help from the Cyclopes who were hurling boulders at the opposing Gods. One would think that Rocks, no matter the size would be ineffective in causing damage to the gods.

Athena's creation was symbolizes the birth of a new way of thinking for the Greeks. She represented war, justice, and wisdom. There is an importance placed on the word wisdom throughout the reading. Greeks believed it to be so valuable that they suggested Zeus feared it and that is why he did not want to give birth to Athena. It was a threat to his power. This reading also suggests the importance of being powerful in societies.

What you can gain from this reading, is that cultures from earlier eras reflected their beliefs through mythology. Each god represented an appreciation or an acknowledgment of a certain aspect of life. The way the gods behaved was similar to the way humans behaved in a sense. The way they fought, loved, politicized, and belonged to a ranking system.

Visit []

Sunday, 18 July 2010

The Girl of Friday

A centuries-old mystery has crossed my path again ...

I mentioned in a recent article that there was a dispute in many academic quarters regarding the actual Viking deity being honored by the name, 'Friday.' The cold, hard fact is that unless someone unearths a runic stone that confirms the issue --- and that's not likely --- only a preponderance of circumstantial evidence is going to carry the day in any such debate.

So, while others while away their time contemplating world peace, I've returned to the search for Friday's inspiration.

If you'll recall, four of the seven days of the week are named after Norse gods:

- Tuesday is for Tyr, the god of truth and war,

- Wednesday is for Odin, the Allfather of Viking gods,

- Thursday is for Thor, the god of thunder,

- Friday, however is cloaked in ambiguity.

I'd always heard the day's name-origin came from Frigg, Odin's elder wife --- he had more than one --- and this is supported by the most scholarly of English references, such as the Oxford dictionary. Others say it was for either Frey or Freja, who were brother and sister in the Vanir clan. Frey was the god of fertility, so it was considered essential to keep him happy; Freja was the goddess of love and beauty, so it didn't hurt to keep on her good side, either.

Frigg's duties were to be the goddess of the sky. It was a subtle job, but someone had to do it.

Turning to cyberspace for resolution, I happened on an excellent guide in Norse matters, The Viking Answer Lady. She is so meticulous in her material that I felt the possibility of her bringing light to the issue was quite good. So, I contacted her. To say she did her research is an understatement. Here's her reply to me:

"Since Western Europe all originally derived from Indo-European tribes, we find that there were a lot of correspondences between the various branches --- not exact, one-for-one identity, but concepts are clearly related. So it's no real surprise to find that the naming and symbolism of the days of the week, and the number of days in a week, might be pretty much the same in all the descendants of the Indo-Europeans.

"You can see the day-name correspondences in other languages that descend from Indo-European:

"Ancient Greek has: hemera selenes (moon day), hemera Areos (Ares' day), hemera Hermu (Hermes' day), hemera Dios (Zeus' day), hemera Aphrodites (Aphrodite's day), hemera Khronu (Chronos' day), hemera heliou (sun day)

"Latin: Lunae dies (Moon-day, Monday), Martis dies (Mars-Day, Tuesday), Mercurii dies (Mercury's day, Wednesday), Jovis dies (Jove's day, Thursday), Veneris dies (Venus' day, Friday), Saturni dies (Saturn's day, Saturday) or alternatively Christian Sabbatum or Sabbati dies (Sabbath day), Solis dies (Sunday)or alternatively Christian Dominicus dies (Lord's day)

"Unsurprisingly, the Romance languages clearly derive their day names from Latin, except for Portugese, which numbers the days:

"Italian: lunedi, martedi, mercoledi, giovedi, venerdi, sabato, domenica

"Spanish: lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, sábado, domingo

"French: lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche

"Romanian: luni, marti, miercuri, joi, vineri, sîmbata, duminica

"Portugese: Segunda-Feira (2nd day, Monday); Terça-Feira (3rd day, Tuesday); Quarta-Feira (4th day, Wednesday); Quinta-Feira (5th day, Thursday); Sexta-Feira (6th day, Friday); Sábado (Sabbath, Saturday); Domingo (Lord's Day, Sunday)

"The Celtic languages have taken and preserved the Latin names of the days, and also borrowed heavily from Christian concepts:

"Welsh: Dydd Llun (moon/Luna day), Dydd Mawrth (Mars' day), Dydd Mercher (Mercury's day), Dydd Iau (Jove's day), Dydd Gwener (Venus's day), Dydd Sadwrn (Saturn's day), Dydd Sul (sun day)

"Gaelic: Di-luain (moon day); Di-máirt (Mars's day); Di-ciaduinn or Di-ciadaoin (day of the first fast of the week - Friday being the second fast); Diardaoin (the day between the two fasts of Wednesday and Friday); Di-haoine or Dia-aoine (day of the fast) Di-sathuirn (Saturn day); Di-dómhnuich (Lord's day)

"Irish: Dé Luan (moon/Luna day); Dé Mairt (Mars' day); Dé Céadaoin (day of the first fast of the week); Déardaoin; Dé h-Aoine (the day between the two fasts of Wednesday and Friday); Dé Sathairn (Saturn's day); Dé Domhnaigh (Lord's day)

"The Germanic languages, however, are also related. Ares/Mars was equated with Týr as a warrior god. Zeus/Jupiter was equated with Thórr as the god who hurled lightnings. Mercury was equated with Óðinn, since both had a role as psychompomps, the one who leads the dead to their afterlife. Aphrodite/Venus was equated with Frigga and Freyja.

"German: Montag (moon day), Dienstag (Týr's day), Mittwoch (Mid-week), Donnerstag (Donner's/Thórr's day), Freitag (Freyja/Frigga's day), Samstag (derived ultimately from Latin Sabbatum), Sonntag (sun day)

"Dutch: maandag (moon day), dinsdag, woensdag (Woden's/Óðinn's day), donderda (Donner's/Thórr's day), vrijdag (Freyja/Frigga's day), zaterdag (Saturn day), zondag (sun day)

"Norwegian and Danish: mandag (moon day), tirsdag (Týr's day), onsdag (Óðinn's day), torsdag (Thórr's day), fredag (Freyja's/Frigga's day), lørdag (washing day), søndag (sun day)

"Swedish: måndag (moon day), tisdag (Týr's day), onsdag (Óðinn's day), torsdag (Thrr's day), fredag (Freyja/Frigga's day), lördag (wash day), söndag (sun day)

"Old English: mondæg or monandæg (moon day); tiwesdæg (Tiw's day, Týr's day); wodnesdæg (Wotan's/Óðinn's day); thunresdæg (Thórr's day); frigedæg (Frigga's/Freya's day); sæterdæg or sæternesdæg (Saturn's day); sunnandæg (sun day)

"Middle English: monday, moneday, or monenday (moon day); tiwesday or tewesday (Tiw's day, Týr's day); wodnesday, wednesday, or wednesdai (Wotan's/Óðinn's day); thursday or thuresday (Thórr's day); fridai (Frigga's/Freya's day); saterday (Saturn's day); soneday, sonenday, sunday, sunnenday (sun day)

"North Frisian: monnendei (moon-day); Tirsdei (Týr's-day); Winsdei (Wotan's/Óðinn's day); Türsdei (Thórr's day); Fridei (Frigga's/Freyja's day); sennin (sun-evening); sennedei (sun day)

"Etymologically, it's impossible to tell for certain whether the 'Friday' words derive from Frigga or Freyja (at least so I am told, I am not a philologist or linguistics expert). We can tell by the cognates that the name is from a goddess equated with Venus and Aphrodite.

"We get into further problems in that 'Freyja' is derived from roots meaning simply 'lady' while 'Frigga' comes from roots related to 'beloved.' There have been several scholars who insist that Frigga and Freyja are just different titles for the same goddess.

"None the less, undoubtedly 'Friday' comes from the name of one of these two goddeses, and not from the name of the god Freyr."

Now, that's the sort of studied thoroughness that can achieve Master's degrees. It's a preponderance of evidence that can carry the day in a court of law. Even though she only eliminated one of the three contenders to the title of Friday's Namesake, the Viking Answer Lady has gone above and beyond the call of duty to provide me with the information I requested.

I'm sure glad I didn't tell her I was just trying to win a bar bet.

J Square Humboldt is the featured columnist at the Longer Life website, which is dedicated to providing information, strategies, analysis and commentary designed to improve the quality of living. His page can be found at [] and his observations are published three times per week.

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Whether you call it Trivia or Tidbits, Christmas has Several Aspects which Need to be Taken into Acc

  • The Twelve Days of Christmas: The Twelve Days of Christmas refers to the twelve days between the Christmas Day (December 25) and the Feast of Epiphany (January 6). Tradition has it that this is the time taken by the Three Wise Men (the Magi) to reach Bethlehem to see the babe in the manger, Jesus.

  • Mistletoe: Mistletoe is a plant hung on the doorway of every American household during Christmas. The mistletoe symbolizes love, having been closely associated with Frigga, the Scandinavian's goddess of love. It's from this that the convention of kissing under the mistletoe originated.

  • Hanging Stockings: The practice of hanging stockings over the fireplace on Christmas Eve comes from England. The legend of St. Nicholas has it that the latter was a kind saint who was believed to have left gifts of gold coins in the stockings of three poor maidens, who badly needed the money for their wedding dowries. They hung their stockings to dry over the fireplace, and to their great surprise, they found bags of gold in them the next morning. Following this, children kept hanging Christmas stockings over the fireplace on Christmas Eve in the hope that Santa would drop gifts and toys in them !

  • Christmas Carols: The first carols are said to have been sung by angelic choirs at Christ's birth. St.Francis of Assissi is also accredited as the 'Father of Caroling'. The word 'carol' comes from the Greek 'charaulein', a Greek dance, later replaced by song. By the 17th century, caroling was restricted to Christmas time, and now, it's customary for kids to go caroling in groups from door to door, singing favorites such as "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing", "O Come All Ye Faithful", "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" and many more !

  • Holly Boughs: The boughs of holly are another very important symbol of Christmas. These are red berries with thorny leaves. To the Christians, the holly berries symbolize Christ's blood and the sharply pointed leaves stand for the thorns in His crown. Henceforth, the holly became part of the Nativity tradition.

  • The Nativity Scene: The Nativity Scene includes the scene at Bethlehem, when Jesus was born. The manger, the swaddling clothes, the bright star in the sky, the shepherds surrounding baby Jesus and the Three Wise Men (the Magi) form part of the scene.

  • The Poinsettia: Poinsettias are beautiful winter blooms, native to Mexico. They've been named after the first US ambassador to Mexico, Joel Roberts Poinsett, who brought the plant from its land of origin to America. Since the beginning of the 19th century, poinsettias have come to be associated with Christmas.

  • The Yule Log: The yule log is a huge log used to light up big fires during festive celebrations. It originated in Europe, where it used to be placed in the hearth and continued to burn throughout the year, till it turned into ashes. Bringing in the yule log was as much a custom during the Christmas holidays as was decorating the Christmas tree. The yule log is generally placed in the fireplace. It's from this yule log that Christmas also came to be known as 'Yuletide'.

  • Boxing Day: The day after Christmas is known as the Feast of St. Stephens. The alms box of the Church was opened on Boxing Day, and the contents, known as the "dole of the Christmas box" were distributed by the parish priest among the needy. Henceforth, the day after Christmas came to be known as the Boxing Day

Sean Carter writes on holidays, events and celebrations around the world. He also writes on family, relationships,womens issues birthdays, inspiration, religion, love and friendship. He is a writer with special interest in ecard industry. He writes for

Friday, 16 July 2010

Reality From Facts - Super Friends

From the popular comic the Justice League, a group of super heroes joined together to fight the evil forces and end the war for peace. Justice League is a very popular comic book in the old times but most of the readers of this comic book are adults. The comic was found mature and very interesting for teenagers to adults. And as time passes they create a television series of the justice league but somehow they target the kids to watch this show, because of the maturity of the comics they change the image, the character and some others. To make it more appropriate for kids to watch them. They entitled it as Super Friends. Super Friends is compose of superheroes namely...

Superman, also known as Clark Kent known as the last Kryptonian from the planet krypton. By the destruction of their planet he was sent to earth by his parents to live. But an unusual thing happen that somehow he get an inhumane strength by the sun solar rays. He was able to attain the ability to fly, shoot laser from his eyes, create whirlpools from his speed, to have great power enough to destroy everything from his path and to be as hard as a metal and by that he was called as The Man of Steel.

Wonder Woman, also known as Princess Diana she is an Amazon from Greek mythology. Daughter of Queen Hippolyta or Hippolyta, the known Queen of the Amazons. Wonder Woman, received different awards that was given by the Olympian Gods, this include the Lasso of Truth from the girdle of the Earth-Goddess Gaea and the indestructible Bracelets and Gauntlets formed from the Shield Aegis created by Hephaestus. Wonder woman has attain traits from other Gods such as Aphrodite to her beauty that cannot be compared from other goddesses, Athena to be as wise as ever, Hermes to be as swift as the wind and Hercules to be the strongest even though being a half-god.

Batman, also known as Bruce Wayne the richest man in Gotham City. By the murder of his parents in the hands of The Joker. He find vengeance by the death of his parents and by this he created a costume that will hid his identity, weapons for his protection and a base as his hide-out it is called as the Bat Cave. He fight crime in the midst of darkness, in day as Bruce Wayne and by night as Batman The Cape Crusader.

Robin, also known as Dick Grayson the youngest of a family act called the "Flying Graysons". By the death of his family in an accident or what others have seem to think that happened, but most likely they we're murdered by a man called Boss Zucco. He was been adopted by Bruce Wayne by the same way they experience the lost of their parents.

Aquaman, also known as Arthur Curry, son of Tom Curry a lighthouse keeper, and Atlanna, a water-breathing outcast from the lost, Underwater City of Atlantis. In his young age he discovered that he possessed superhuman abilities, that includes the power to survive underwater, able to communicate with sea creatures, and the ability to move skillfully undersea. And his superhuman abilities he decide to become the Earth's Ocean Defenders.

Green Lantern, also known as Hal Jordan, the second-generation of green lantern. Hal Jordan was given a power ring and battery (lantern) by a dying alien called Abin Sur. Abin was pointed as Green Lantern of Space Sector of 2814, he met Jordan at the time when his spaceship crashed landed on earth. And by the power of the ring he appointed Hal Jordan as the new Green Lantern. The Green Lantern attain great powers by his ring and with that ring he is able to fly, cast a huge force field, create a special dress for Green Lanterns, produced a green solid light(creating cages, transportation platforms, weapons, walls, tools and etc.), it is limited depends on the ring-bearer's willpower. It can also generate a powerful bolt of plasma, and capable to scan energy signatures. One of the amusing power of the rings is that it can automatically seek out a suitable replacement whenever a Lantern dies.

Flash, also known as Barry Allen, a very slow, deliberate, and frequently late police scientist. And then one night while he was preparing to leave work, a lightning bolts struck in his chemical and directly spill them all over to Allen. In that incident he find himself extremely fast with a matching reflexes. He create a red costume with a flashing gold lightning and called himself The Flash. He start to fight crime and stop evil from lurking out of the street of Central City. And in his civilian identity, he stores his costume in his ring, which he can eject and suck it back in his time of needs.

Hawk Man, also known as Carter Hall, an American Archaeologist. Carter Hall is a reincarnation of Prince named Khufu in Ancient Egypt, Khufu who had a feud with an Egyptian Priest Hat-set. The Priest Hat-set captured Prince Khufu and his wife Chay-Ara, that ends up killing them both. As Hall have found an ancient knife that has been used to kill Khufu, he somehow regains his memories from his past life and recognized that the Priest who killed him has also been reincarnated in a man named Anton Hastor. By using the properties of "Nth metal" it crafted a gravity-defying belt and by this Hall creates his wings and costume. And then he confront Hastor as Hawkman.

And finally the Original heroes from Hanna Barbera The Black Vulcan, an African American Superhero with the ability to produce a huge amount of electricity. The Apache Chief a Native American Superhero with the ability to make himself large by saying the word "Inyuk-chuk". And for last The Samurai, also known as Toshio Eto with the ability to manipulate the element of wind. He can make himself fly, create tornado's around his lower body and to conjure powerful gusts from his hands that can knock back objects.

From the comics made by DC namely the Justice League, and so they create a television series for kids that has been presented by Hanna-Barbera and named as Super Friends.

To know more about the identities, past life and present life of your childhood superheroes, purchase them now and watch it all over again with your own copy of DVD. Purchase your own copy of the Super Friends on DVD [] or other TV Shows in DVD from DVDAvenue. Watch them from the first episode up to the last, this is your opportunity to own a copy so grab them now.

Author: R. Lorenzo